Tuesday 4 October 2011


SERIOUS SHIT, matriculation's life is so fuck*ng stress!

Too many tutorial, chemfren, past years questions, consolidation, arghhh banyak lagi ahh! DAMN! I need extra classes. Please lah mana mana lecturer yang baik hati buat extra class and summary kan every topic T__T So you guys, dont look at me weirdly when i entered your lecture hall yahh -____-" gila tak malu masuk kuliah orang. But i really i have to. Ada few lecturer kuliah aku yang tak best and membosankan. So, tak concentrate langsung. Lagi lagi sains komputer. Pffffttt .____. PSPM lagi tiga minggu je weh. Everybody put high expectation on me. Stress la macam ni. What if i dont get result like what they wanted me to achieve. Im tired of making my mum depressed because of me. Dah banyak kali *okay anak yang jahat* =.=" So after this i'll try my best to avoid hurting her. And it wont happen again. That's my promise.

Ohh, pspm sudah semakin hampir bermaksud cuti sem juga semakin hampir :D Im planning to have FUNNNNNN this coming holidayyyyy! Although just for two weeks -.-' #sooooosad tapi okay lah daripada seminggu. Hehehe. Really hope papa will be at home lah for those two weeks. Please? :( hmm.

p/s : dengar sini, 'saya sayang awak' *whispering* ;)

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