Friday 14 October 2011

siapa suka pun?

Why lah people nowadays keep on chasing money. Nak boyfriend/girlfriend who's come from a rich family. Aiyooo, narrow minded people. I know lah, now if you have money you can have whatever you want you can buy whatever you've ever dreamed before. Even someone's heart. Really? yupp, trust me ;) But based on what i've experienced, money cant promise such an happy ending. Yes, they can buy you anything, lots of presents, so sweet right? haha -.-' remember nobody can buy your feelings. See the love thru his eyes, down to his heart. Not thru his money, down to his pocket. bahahaha =,= okay, tak lawak pun. 

Random conversation between me and someone,

Me : Weh, hang nak cari suami macam mana?
.... : Emm, aku nak yang kaya, handsome, kuat agama, pandai masak
Me : -______-" taste hang tak boleh nak tinggi lagi kaa?
.... : Eh mesti lah, mak aku kata kena lah cari yang betul betul terbaik
Me : ohhh ^_^ *macam lah dia tu anak raja*

moral of the story? :)

p/s : Saya tak suka lelaki yang kedekut and berkira -.-'

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