Tuesday 18 October 2011

Study week

Two weeks of study week will totally make me sick. Playing around, day dreaming, walking around college in hope seeing few hot guys but end up with 'kekecewaan yang teramat sangat', gossiping with roommates, talking crap, watching my bieber 'never say never' awhhh lefchu and imma eatchu bieber, love it whenever he flip his hair *_* okay pengsan. Doing math revision, haha rajin tak saya? :O and end up with serious headache. Math is killing me these few days. And the best part of study week is, MAGGI :D Trust me, everybody bought thousands of it for this two weeks. Alasan? 'Malas nak turun and nak study sampai lebam dekat atas' -___-" Tak jadi bangang ke korang duduk bilik one whole day tak keluar langsung?

Mine is on thursday. YUPP THIS THURSDAY. Need to print the slip and speak english frequently. I am quite  bad when it come to speak. So dear examiners, get ready to face meh. I'll talk like idiot. Haha. But, i'll try my best. Wish me luck. Doakan lidah ni laju je berkata kata nanti :]

ps : Cant wait till 3rd nov. Miss them so much.
pss : But surely i'll miss you so much for the whole holidays :']

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