Thursday 27 December 2012

Masih indah

Senyuman dia, Renungan mata, Gerak tubuh, Jelingan manja, Gurau senda,

Segalanya masih indah dan selamanya indah buat aku.

Biar dunia cemburu perhatikan kita ala ala love birds, biar semua jadi pemerhati kisah cinta dongeng kau dan aku.

If forever do exist, swear i'll be w you and love you forever.



Wednesday 19 December 2012

Sampai tua - Fynn Jamal

Kesatkan lah
Air mata
Ku dah tiba

Aku kan ada
Sampai tua

Ini sumpahku padamu
Usah kau patah dan layu
Garis siang malam beku
Pasakku teguh untukmu
Mungkin taufan akan surut
Tetap datang petir ribut
Setiapnya aku sambut
Untukmu takkan ku takut

Apa saja
Takdir kita

Jariku lama
Sampai tua

Dan malam takkan berhenti
Menghirup nyawamu kasih
Dan siang akan berterus
Meratahmu sampai bersih
Aman saja aku ada
Dihirupmamah pun
Tetap kita berpimpinan
Sampai tua

Aku ada
Sampai tua

ps: Kalau Tuhan izinkan dan kalau kau mahu, aku akan ada smpai hari tua

Friday 14 December 2012

Dengar ni

Memang kita ini bukan anak orang kaya
Tiada apa apa yang dapat diberikan
Aku memang cantik engkau memang tampan
Kita memang sepadan

Kita orang biasa tiada apa sangat
Hanya cukup makan memang lah sepadan
Handsome bah kau itu banyak yang tergoda
Ramai orang yang suka

Tiada kereta mu aku pun tidak kisah
Kita boleh jalan kaki sama sama
Kalau ada bas kita tahan saja naik sama sama
Engkau pun tahu kita sama suka
Kita susah pun kita sama sama
Kerna aku cinta aku selalu sanggup hidup bersama mu

Kita masih muda masih ada masa
Usaha sama sama jangan putus asa
Engkau akan berjaya jadi orang kaya
Hidup bahagia

-Tasha Manshaha-

ps: Kita susah sama sama, senang pun sama sama.      

Friday 23 November 2012

Kata aku

Kata orang,

"Jangan terlalu cinta kelak nanti memakan diri"

Maaf, kata aku,

Sekali aku cinta, selagi cinta tu setia, sampai mati aku cinta. Biar tidak sempurna di mata yang lain asal cukup sempurna di mata aku. Dicintai dan disayangi adalah anugerah terindah yang Tuhan berikan padaku. Andai Tuhan memberikan kesempatan untuk aku hidup lebih lama, biar lah aku laluinya dengan dia.

Mungkin ada yang mengata di belakang,

"Ala, time tengah hangat bercinta memang macam tu. Duk sayang sana sayang sini, entah jadi entah tidak"

Maaf sekali lagi, 

Hati ini hati aku. Aku sorang yang rasa. Biar aku cuba pertahankan sehabisnya, walau akhir nanti semuanya mungkin hilang. Walau akhirnya mungkin sia sia, aku tetap akan berjuang hingga saat terakhir hingga sudah betul tiada harapan. Sekurangnya takkan ada rasa sesal kelak sebab aku dah cuba sehabis baik.

ps : Orang yang duk kutuk pasangan bercinta tu kalau dia yang bercinta mesti lagi meroyan kan?       

Thursday 8 November 2012


Kadang kadang kita lupa. Kita leka. Tanpa kita sedar, hati dia terluka. Kalau boleh nak sangat aku putar balik masa supaya hati dia aku jaga sebaiknya. Kalau bedaya aku ingin kembali pada mulanya kita bertemu. Aku ingin kenal hati budi mu sebaiknya. Kecewa bila tahu aku gagal.

Naluri hati ni kuat. Buktinya sekali pun berjuta kali aku tekad nak pergi, sekalipun aku tak sanggup nak beganjak apatah lagi pergi untuk selamanya. Harap jodoh kita kuat. Harap hati kita kuat.


Friday 2 November 2012

Dunia kita

Bermula di matrik you usha I dulu tak tahu malu
I memang tak perasan so I buat tak tahu
You terus usha dan mengusha sehingga oneday you admit
Oh my dear I'm sorry cause I dah bepunya

Bila I single you masuk line then I accept you on the spot
The truth is I dont know why but you really stole my heart
But sikit sikit je I merajuk you selalu sabar pujuk
Lari around matrik and always dengan dunia kita

Let me tell you that I love you
And I never wanna wrong take my hand baby
Come go thru with me

Let me tell you that I miss you
And I never wanna lose you
You're my heart baby
My life in incomplete without you

Dalam pada I gembira
Sometimes I feel insecure juga
Cause I'm afraid losing you
And I always want you to be mine forever
Please be mine forever

ps : Me dedicate this song for Haziq :)
pss: I'll sing it to you if you suruh.   

Thursday 4 October 2012

Life currently

It's too different here. Still hard for me to adapt. Everything is on my own and all of them definitely make me sick. Feels like wanna quit, run as far as i could from this shits. But when i re-think about it, i'm bringing everybody's hope which is too big. I just want them to look at me here. I have to carry every subjects by my own. The tutors, lecturers, the way they teach is not suitable with my way. I just cant accept it. Facing headache everyday, took panadols after classes. I dont know for how long i could still stand strong here. Give me strength. I need a backup plan to rearrange back everything, schedules, productive time, rest time, my powerful nap which is supposed to be 5 to 15 minutes but always end up i woke  up two hours later. Ergh. I have to plan everything back. Wake up! This is life and i really need to face it. What will i do now, will definitely create ME in the future. I have to be somebody and have a good position and salary too. It's freaking me out cause i'm starting to think about my 'working-life'. The interview to get position, paper work, the attitude of a good employee which is not me. I dont wanna be a 'late-stater'. I have to start from now and it's still early for me to move. I think.


Everytime i'm giving up, there will be someone, this one special man. Who's always support me, keep on saying that i can do it. Make me believe every words that came out from his mouth is the spirit for me to keep on stay here. Imagining our life 5 years from now make me decide to still go on and believe that i was made for you, Haziqyaakob

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Wahai bakal suamiku, terbayang sejenak hidup kita lagi 4 5 tahun kelak. Bahagia ke kita? Selalu ke aku tersenyum nanti? Senang ke kita? Cukup makan pakai ke kita? Apa ujian yang bakal datang nanti?

Tapi sayang,

satu aku janji, jika kelak hidup kita susah aku akan lapah semuanya bersama.

Jika istana kita ditimpa musibah aku akan kuat bertahan bersama.

Jika semangat mu patah aku akan jadi tulang belakangmu.

Itu janji aku...

Selamanya bersama

ps : i miss you so much ;'(

Wednesday 19 September 2012

When storm's coming

I'll talk to you. Say I'm sorry...

Say I want to support you. Say I wanna be by your side. No matter what it takes...

Say I'll stand with you when you take on the world...

Say when it comes to you, going to the moon is as easy as breathing...

Show you what I can do. Show you the true power of love...


Love is not all about the rainbows and kisses

Its also about the storm and disaster each other brings

But all it takes is for the other to be the umbrella

And I know, if I give up now, I'll never find true love


Thanks for sending me this one special guy who can accept my flaws, mistakes, attitude, and accept me the way I am. To be honest,


Thursday 13 September 2012

a beautiful year with you

Still remember the moment when i was staring at you for the first time. Can't really forget your eyes. They caught mine without me realizing it. Now i couldn't ever imagine my life without seeing those eyes.

Now you're mine for one year. Happy first year anniversary sayang. I hope it is not too late for me to post. What a beautiful year we have spent together. I feel safe here. I feel safe in all our insecurity. I’m wrapped inside them. I hope that’s okay. All our fears and complications, they like each other. They fit perfectly into each other’s molds. And it feels lovely to have something slip into place without having to think. Let’s close our eyes together. See what we want to see.

Hey You, I am really afraid. These indescribably perfect events, they don’t happen to me. I’m scared my insecurities won’t let you in. I am scared they will scare you. Beyond everything, above everything, I am terrified you might run away. Please don’t run away without me. Because you’re indescribably perfect. In every sense of the word.I’m going to hold on tight.

You and I. Yours and mine. Can we stay here and be insecure together?

ps: Please.. Hug me tightly like there's not tomorrow for us.

My bad but..

Maaf buat kau terjebak. Tak sangka pulak kena yang itu. Niatku pada asalnya cuma nak lihat kau berjaya. Buat pilihan yang tepat. Namun, bila ini jadinya aku rasa bersalah. Mungkin kerana paksaan ku buat kau memilih jalan ni. Yang sememangnya bukan jiwamu. Tapi aku yakin, semuanya telah disusun dengan rapi. Semua yang terjadi atas kehendakNya. Setiap yang Dia tentukan pasti ada hikmahnya. Kita hanya mampu lalui jalan ni dengan usaha dan tekad. Janji aku, akan sentiasa berada disisimu. Beri sokongan tak kira waktu, menjadi tulang belakangmu setiap saat, mendukung segala cita cita dan semangatmu. Tidak sekali aku akan berpaling walau seribu kali aku utarakan. Mari hulur jari jemari kau, agar aku dapat sambut tika kau suka tika kau duka. Percaya lah, kita pasti berjaya menggenggam segulung ijazah.

ps: Cinta kamu sampai nafas terakhirku.

Sunday 1 July 2012

my gendut

Ini penyeriku, teman baikku, teman bergaduhku, suara kebenaran ketika penafian, suara penyedap ketika keraguan, udara untuk aku bernafas.

Dia-- Tanpa aku tahu pada asalnya, adalah segalanya untuk aku.

Cinta kami cinta serabutan yang linear hala tujunya.

Terima kasih kerana masih ada. Terima kasih kerana terus mencuba untuk buktikan segala harapan kita. Terima kasih kerana kau berbeza.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


What a lonely heart. Feels like it's too dark here. Sometimes when few lights are coming, I'm searching for your shadows. I'm waiting for 'em. But still, they were not coming. Not even once. I'm sitting here alone crying like an idiot. No one cares. I'm not that strong to face everything in just a day. But at least I'm trying though tears keep on falling. Please make me strong. Give strength to my body so that I can keep standing on my own feet. Give strength to my heart so that it can never be broken.

ps : thanks mama, for lending me your shoulder.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Aku mahu.

Lihat saja wajah manisnya.


Memang aku tidak pasti apa yang Tuhan hidangkan untuk aku esok. Dan aku tidak pasti hidup berdua tu bagaimana sebenarnya. Kalau hidup itu seksa, biar aku lapah seksa itu dengan dia. Kalau hidup itu indah, biar aku nikmati keindahan itu dengan dia. Kalau aku jadi buruk, biar aku buruk dengan dia. Kalau dia perengus, biar aku hadap rengus dia.

Aku tidak pasti bahagia ini takat mana.

Tapi dalam tiap tapak kaki aku memanjat mencarinya.

Dan dalam tiap gelak, tiap senyum, tiap tangis, tiap marah, tiap sakit, tiap payah, aku mahu dengan dia.

Aku pasti aku mahu dia ada,

hari ini, esok, lusa, dan hari hari seterusnya.

Friday 1 June 2012

A part of me

What a gloomy day when I can't even feel the presence of 'us' anymore, when the 'loneliness' is like following me all the time, when there's no light in my day time, when the spirit start to flew away from us, when we start to lose our way together. To lost forever is the scariest thing I've ever thought would be. I miss us, the old days, when the way you look at me was different. I'll always wait patiently here, till these gloomy feelings go away and bring us back our old precious time. Honestly, I miss those memories.

Sunday 27 May 2012

counting the days

It has been one month since I left matriks. And guess what, it is quite boring to just stay at home, locked myself in my room and eat like a monster. Haha. I think I'm gaining weigh for this whole holidays. Ughh. Work? I'd prefer going to work. At least I'm wasting my time to get my own money. But yah, since I'm not that experienced in this 'being extras' thinghyy, so what can I do is just wait till those people need more extras *sigh*

Oh yah, the result will be coming out this Tuesday. It hurts my stomach everytime I think about it. I just hope I could get dentistry for my degree. And then everyone will continuously smile because of me. Heee.

My baby came here to meet me last week. Thank you for the moment sayang :) It was a great week with you. I keep on saying I can't believe we could stay till today. And yah, I really meant it. No one could ever understand me like you do and no one could ever see how wonderful I am like you do. I don't need you to be perfect. I don't need you to be rich, I don't need you to be popular, I just need you to be you, my Haziq :) cause I keep falling in love with the same person everyday.

People says when both of you make a promise to not leave each other and will stay together forever, there will be this one special bond that no one could possibly break it. And both of them are considered engaged. Sooooo,


Sunday 15 April 2012

You're not alone

*Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne*

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other ways when it comes to the truth
So, keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
Make it through


This hole in my heart is in the shape of you and no one else can fit it. Forever is a long, long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. Tell me, everyday, I get to wake up to see that smile. I wouldn't mind it at all. I'll be your arms that will hold you at your weakest times, eyes that will see your beauty at your ugliest times, and a heart that will love you at your worst. I love you for who you are, whatever mistakes you made, no matter how terrible, even when you're being a jerk. I love the person you were when we first met, and the person you're now become. I don't think how to stop loving you.

ps : I'll miss you after this. Really hope the distance we'll meet after this could make us stronger than before. I love you Haziq.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

standing till the end

Still remember two years ago i took a first step here. All those innocent faces. Mama's tears the moment she's letting me go. Now it's time for me to go back home, and leaving, continuing my journey after this season end. Waiting for other new challenges to come. But no worries cause all those memories will forever stay here, deep in my heart. Always. Good bye Penang Matriculation College :')

And yeah i'm gonna leave everything but i'll grab your hand, cause we'll walk thru the same path after this. Just you and me. No one else. I believe the distance we'll meet after this will make us stronger. You're not going to lose me. I am your FW and you're my FH. We'll standing till the end. I love you, Haziq.

Sunday 1 April 2012

It's eighth!

Really can't believe we have made this far.

Together. I can't believe you're real. You know, the man who could stay and hold my hand for such a long time without even complaining how hard it was to take care of me, to handle me. Maybe for some couples it's not such a long time, but, for me this is the toughest month and I'm quite afraid of this month. But we manage to go thru right? Though it was quite tough at the beginning.

Someone told me before, there will be this one person I'll never get bored of, though have to see his face everyday every second. I'll never get bored though we texting right after we met. I'll never get bored hearing his voice every night.

Now I know, this is real.

The day when I look at the same person and I saw something more than I did the day before.

When my tummy says its kind of bloated with those colorful butterflies.

And the mind sings Arcadian songs, beautifully.

I finally agree with Micheal learns to rock that I won't fear tomorrow.

I'll protect this relationship, fight for you, fight for us. I want to show you that I'm real and I'm not like the rest.