Thursday 18 August 2011



I'll be going back tomorrow! 2pm. so i have to pack my thing by tonight. tak lah terkocoh kocoh esok nak kemas semua nanti. hope sempat lah berbuka dekat rumah -.-' mama, make sure masak my favourite food okay! :) seriously rindu gila dekat korang. rindu nak borak borak. got so many stories to share with you guys! especially you, mama :) and tak sabar also nak bersahur and berebut roti dengan papa =.=' #mengalahkanbudakkecik but one thing for sure, im gonna miss you ;) and im sure nanti nak balik sini mesti tak sabar jugak. hee. cant wait to celebrate raya with you nanti. oh by the way, i wanna seek for apologize to all my lecturers yang saya skip class this week. sorry naaa, takda mood langsung nak pi class. kepala hotak ni fikir nak balik rumah je. Insyaallah i'll give my mc before tomorrow. tapi tak janji lah -.-' sebab maleh nak photostat banyak banyak. saya promise after raya i'll be a good girl. attend all classes :) hee. pomishh! err okay lah, have to go. mamun dah ni. mengantuk. and im not feeling well today. blame hujan semalam! and my cardigan yang tak membantu langsung. kepala still kena hujan =.=' OKBAI YOLS~

p/s : masih marah lagi actually. tapi nak buat macam mana benda dah jadi.

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