Tuesday 2 August 2011

english paper is equal to DISASTER

english paper has successful ruined my mood today 

If i failed my kimia paper this evening, then i'll blame you ENGLISH! why lah susah sangat -.- me suddenly have no idea at all. and essay question dia tanya apa tau? 'reasons why reality television shows are popular' apaa punya soalan T__T two points je yang bernas tadi saya rasa. lagi satu hampesss. then i find out my reading comprehension dah dua salah =.=" how can i answer kimia kejap lagi? sure i'll keep on thinking about paper tadi. and kimia, please be nice. PLEASE :(

yang sudah tu sudah lah ye 

its too late. yes, its too late for me to turn back. im sorry. ada hati yang perlu dijaga sekarang. and i'll appreciate everybody around me. who loves me and care for me. thanks cause came into my life and being a part of me even its just for awhile. i wont hate you. i feel so thankful to Him cause i learned so many things thru this bond. Im just one of them. people come and go. be happy and let everything go.

p/s : i need fooooooood lah right now! ;/

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