Tuesday 16 August 2011

starting to feel the love!

Keep on asking 'can I feel it?' you know what, after such a long *err not really long* I can feel it back :) deep inside my heart I am not afraid anymore. Im ready to face it. Give chance to myself and to you. This thing will work out. I know :) I have faith in it. Thanks cause you've successfully draw a smile to my horror face ;) wink wink! I'll appreciate every single moment we have spent together, and every single moment I WILL spend with you. And and do hold your words. Once you broke them, I'll eventually broke your neck! ;) takut tak? *angkatangkatkening*


I'll be back to my hometown this friday. YAY! NAK RAYA DAAAH! :D cant wait to shopping with mama. I need new jeans and few blouse and also long sleeve T-shirt -.-" Baju kurung dua pasang and i need one black kebaya. Kebaya pendek nice taaaaak? :O Is it suitable for my body figure? Okay enough with baju raya. This year I'll be celebrating raya at Negeri Sembilan! Lomang wajib ado okay? D; Then maybe raya ke dua dekat Melaka. Then balik sini dah -.-' erghh. Kejap je cuti raya. Balik balik je sini need to prepare for jamuan raya like last year punya =.= sure penat gila! Then on 14th September have to perform for Lantern Festival here. Me and aisya will be going to sing a song from Melly and Krisdayanti, 'CINTA' and also a song from Jacklyn Victor, 'GEMILANG' with one indian girl and two chinese girl. One Malaysia. Nice kan? :) And you know what, diorang practice sangat semangat .___. every night and evening kena turun and sing. dah la puasa. hadoihh. OKAY, have to stop here. sapa je pun nak baca entry panjang panjang ni -.- BAI YOLS~

p/s : Me lololololove you, boy ;)

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