Wednesday 3 August 2011

dear maths, we're over!

Maths, kita break T__T

Thanks sesangat lah kepada pembuat soalan maths ups this year. you've successfully make me starting to hate this subject. i cant answer the last question :'( and i think the 7 marks question also i cant answer. macam impossible je nak dapat A *_* cikgu jamaliah mesti kecewa *sigh* ahhh, dah lah. benda dah lepas. nak buat macam mana. better get ready for bio and science comp tomorrow. two killer subjects. especially science comp. not familiar with those 'IT' words. motherboard, processor, adapter card, bla bla bla .__. okay gonna die tomorrow.


Oh noooo! ;'/ sumpah takut. tak nak jadi anak dara tua. and at the same time, if kahwin tak nak bermadu. sharing husband? NO WAY! i'd rather be alone for the rest of my life -.-' last week tengok 3,2,1 cinta. and yes nisbah perempuan dengan lelaki now 37:1. i was like, aaaaaaa .___. GILA LAH! asal perempuan ramai sangat nih? mana pergi semua lelaki?! Nanti saya nak kahwin dengan siapaaa? :O maybe boleh start cari jodoh sekarang *angkat angkat kening* tapi macam muda lagi je. 19 years old? -.- wait for my prince charming to come or CARIIIIIII?! *tak payah nak prince charming sangat lah kan* .___. yes, jodoh tu memang lah dah ditentukan tapi still kena la cari. nanti tak kahwin tak mau mati sorang sorang. tak mau tak mau! arghhhhh! tapi sekarang fikir study dulu. make my parents proud first, then boleh fikir pasal jodoh.

p/s : awak, mungkin awak kot jodoh saya :)

1 comment:

  1. after the math paper aku pon fikir pasal ckgu jamaliah. huaa
