Thursday 4 August 2011

bio bio bio :D


at first bila bukak je papar tu, i was likeee, T____T SUMPAH SUSAH! then while waiting till 9 o'clock, boleh tertidur kejap. 5 minutes. haha. bangun bangun blank terus. and suddenly teringat awak :) semangat sikit lah jawab and bio was quite okay. rasa macam boleh jawab :) wee. compared to kimia last two days. ergghh -.-

okay now science comp pulak! pleaseeeeeee be nice :( im not really into you but make me fall for you can ah? hass, move your ass now! go study. lepas tu, haa enjoy lah. okay baiii. wish me luck! :)
p/s : eh UPS nak habis :) dah ready kot nak buat confession. haaa takut lah :/

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