Sunday 21 August 2011

9 days left?


Ingat masa kecik kecik dulu, kira berapa jam lagi nak buka puasa. Lepas tu kira berapa hari lagi nak raya :D haha. Sekarang tak macam dulu dah. Wish to turn back times where i was so excited in waiting hari raya and waiting for azan maghrib before berbuka. The time when me and my cousins berebut bunga api and mercun. Mercun katak lah, mercun bola lah, mercun karipap, macam macam :) Now all of us have grown up. Sekejap je kan? Almost a year tak balik kampung. Eh, raya lagi 9 hari kaan? and tak prepare apa pun lagi. Maybe tomorrow pegi ampang and cari kebaya with amy. Need to withdraw money first -.-' hmm.

Cakap pasal raya, this year nampaknya balik negeri sembilan je la. Melaka? tak kot. Sure my grandma akan terasa cause this is our first year tak balik raya since i was born. hmm. Then raya kelima kena balik penang. But this year dapat raya dekat kl :D haha. okay la tu. Maybe sempat beraya with my friends here before get back to penang -.-'

Before terlupa, need to cari lagu before balik ni. We (me and aisya J) have to perform for lantern festival on 22nd September. At first dah confirm we'll be singing 'CINTA' , now have to tukar to another song yang tak sedih T__T leceh lah! dah practice bagai nak rak, then tukar lagu. Nanti nanti la fikir lagu apa nak nyanyi.
p/s : i miss you, MHY :)

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