Saturday 27 August 2011

till death do us apart



What did i do these few days back?

Balik balik je hangout with Dian and Tia. Went to wangsa walk, jalan jalan cari kemeja for me. Sadly, tak jumpa =.=' I wanna bought something for someone masa tu but serious got no idea what should i bought. In that case, after raya lah fikir nak beli apa and nak buat apa. I've plan something but dont know whether i can make it or not cause im sucks in surprising people -___-" Then, duduk rumah for one or two days, cant remember. After that got jobs at damansara with my adik, Fatin and Aizat. 9 am till 12 pm. We've been paid for waiting actually. Didnt feel like i was working -.- The day after that day, we, me and my sis went to PJ for tiara jacquelina's new clip video. If im not mistaken, her new song is 'Siapa Aku' lebih kurang lah. We were asked to wear a weird blonde wig and pink blazer with legging and heels and shade. WE LOOK LIKE A BUNCH OF ALIENS :) The timing for the shooting is quite organized. We come at 10 am and finished at about 7 pm. But penat gila lah cause i have to wear heels for one whole day dekat sana. Balik balik kaki kiri sakit =.=' Actually yesterday we got another job at Damansara but just my sis yang pergi. LETIH LAH WEH HARI HARI MAHU KERJA. Today supposedly pergi jalan TAR with my mum, and adik but diorang pun tidur lagi =.=' haha. i thought i'll be the last person yang bangun this morning.


Im not in raya mood lah this year. Actually i was planning not to follow my family balik kampung but thinking of how many duit raya can i get nanti make me cancelled my plan :p hehe tak ikhlas kan nak balik kampung? Bukan tak nak balik, just when i think about something that keep on disturbing my mind these few days back, make me feel like staying at home doing nothing till 4th September =.=' can ah? haha.



P/S : So happy cause can wish 'you' selamat hari raya this year <3
P/S/S : And and ailefchuu :)

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Sunday 21 August 2011

9 days left?


Ingat masa kecik kecik dulu, kira berapa jam lagi nak buka puasa. Lepas tu kira berapa hari lagi nak raya :D haha. Sekarang tak macam dulu dah. Wish to turn back times where i was so excited in waiting hari raya and waiting for azan maghrib before berbuka. The time when me and my cousins berebut bunga api and mercun. Mercun katak lah, mercun bola lah, mercun karipap, macam macam :) Now all of us have grown up. Sekejap je kan? Almost a year tak balik kampung. Eh, raya lagi 9 hari kaan? and tak prepare apa pun lagi. Maybe tomorrow pegi ampang and cari kebaya with amy. Need to withdraw money first -.-' hmm.

Cakap pasal raya, this year nampaknya balik negeri sembilan je la. Melaka? tak kot. Sure my grandma akan terasa cause this is our first year tak balik raya since i was born. hmm. Then raya kelima kena balik penang. But this year dapat raya dekat kl :D haha. okay la tu. Maybe sempat beraya with my friends here before get back to penang -.-'

Before terlupa, need to cari lagu before balik ni. We (me and aisya J) have to perform for lantern festival on 22nd September. At first dah confirm we'll be singing 'CINTA' , now have to tukar to another song yang tak sedih T__T leceh lah! dah practice bagai nak rak, then tukar lagu. Nanti nanti la fikir lagu apa nak nyanyi.
p/s : i miss you, MHY :)

Thursday 18 August 2011



I'll be going back tomorrow! 2pm. so i have to pack my thing by tonight. tak lah terkocoh kocoh esok nak kemas semua nanti. hope sempat lah berbuka dekat rumah -.-' mama, make sure masak my favourite food okay! :) seriously rindu gila dekat korang. rindu nak borak borak. got so many stories to share with you guys! especially you, mama :) and tak sabar also nak bersahur and berebut roti dengan papa =.=' #mengalahkanbudakkecik but one thing for sure, im gonna miss you ;) and im sure nanti nak balik sini mesti tak sabar jugak. hee. cant wait to celebrate raya with you nanti. oh by the way, i wanna seek for apologize to all my lecturers yang saya skip class this week. sorry naaa, takda mood langsung nak pi class. kepala hotak ni fikir nak balik rumah je. Insyaallah i'll give my mc before tomorrow. tapi tak janji lah -.-' sebab maleh nak photostat banyak banyak. saya promise after raya i'll be a good girl. attend all classes :) hee. pomishh! err okay lah, have to go. mamun dah ni. mengantuk. and im not feeling well today. blame hujan semalam! and my cardigan yang tak membantu langsung. kepala still kena hujan =.=' OKBAI YOLS~

p/s : masih marah lagi actually. tapi nak buat macam mana benda dah jadi.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

stupid reason. do i look like i care? -.-


p/s : tak paham? tak paham sudahhh. biar aku sorang je yang paham. OKBAI

Tuesday 16 August 2011

starting to feel the love!

Keep on asking 'can I feel it?' you know what, after such a long *err not really long* I can feel it back :) deep inside my heart I am not afraid anymore. Im ready to face it. Give chance to myself and to you. This thing will work out. I know :) I have faith in it. Thanks cause you've successfully draw a smile to my horror face ;) wink wink! I'll appreciate every single moment we have spent together, and every single moment I WILL spend with you. And and do hold your words. Once you broke them, I'll eventually broke your neck! ;) takut tak? *angkatangkatkening*


I'll be back to my hometown this friday. YAY! NAK RAYA DAAAH! :D cant wait to shopping with mama. I need new jeans and few blouse and also long sleeve T-shirt -.-" Baju kurung dua pasang and i need one black kebaya. Kebaya pendek nice taaaaak? :O Is it suitable for my body figure? Okay enough with baju raya. This year I'll be celebrating raya at Negeri Sembilan! Lomang wajib ado okay? D; Then maybe raya ke dua dekat Melaka. Then balik sini dah -.-' erghh. Kejap je cuti raya. Balik balik je sini need to prepare for jamuan raya like last year punya =.= sure penat gila! Then on 14th September have to perform for Lantern Festival here. Me and aisya will be going to sing a song from Melly and Krisdayanti, 'CINTA' and also a song from Jacklyn Victor, 'GEMILANG' with one indian girl and two chinese girl. One Malaysia. Nice kan? :) And you know what, diorang practice sangat semangat .___. every night and evening kena turun and sing. dah la puasa. hadoihh. OKAY, have to stop here. sapa je pun nak baca entry panjang panjang ni -.- BAI YOLS~

p/s : Me lololololove you, boy ;)

Sunday 14 August 2011


Still cant forget the pain ive faced before. Still afraid to admit my own feelings. I'd rather be alone than later be hurt by the person i love the most. yes, saya memang bodoh and memang penakut :) but i have reason why im acting like this. and im afraid i'll act like this forever. afraid to jump in a new relationship. i still cant throw away my past, my fears, my weaknesses, my mistakes. sorry cause i hurt our feelings. im the one who should be blame. im the one who was stupid in making decision. keep on doing same silly mistakes. tak penah nak berubah. yah, that's me :] its better macam ni kan? nobody's hurt, no tears, everything's gonna be okay ;)

p/s : sesiapa yang sakit hati or terasa hati dengan apa yang saya pernah buat and pernah cakap, im so sorry. didn't mean to hurt you. i have my own reasons in every decision i make. BAI YOLS~

Thursday 11 August 2011

click click *incoming message*

for someone who i used to love :]

Stop missing me, im not part of you anymore, Throw me away as far as you could like you wished before. It took such a long time for me to heal, for me to mend my broken heart. Never thought i could be okay without you. But alhamdulillah im okay now. Much much better. Standing here without you. No need to say sorry. Let by gone be by gone. We are on our own path now. I've found my happiness. True happiness. I am strong enough now. Didnt mean to ignore you. Just go on with your life.

p/s : #nowplaying Im takin back my love - enrique iglesias ft ciara
p/s/s : tak payah nak 'takin back my love sangaaat lah hass' -__-'

take it or leave it!

To guys out there who don't know the value of a girl, PLEASE listen,

Once you're officially with her, DO appreciate her, show that you CAN give commitment in a relationship, there's no point in showing your STUPID ego, and respect her :) Trust me, its not that easy to really steal a girl's heart. Once you own her, please take care of her heart as best as you can. Girls dont wanna hear your promises. Remember, action speaks louder than words :]

Monday 8 August 2011



Teringat kecik kecik dulu punya liat nak puasa. cari beribu alasan tak nak puasa -.- tapi still mama cakap "kalau miss satu hari duit raya kurang seringgit" ahhh mana boleh maa! :/ so at last, puasa penuh jugak :) hee. and apa yang paling dirindui, bersahur bersama keluarga! every morning mama buat roti bakar. WAJIB. apa yang kelakar, me and adik adik semua berebut nak makan kerak roti -.- #cambangangjebilaingatbalik pastu sampai nangis nangis. last last mama buat sistem giliran. tapi apa yang lebih lawak, papa pun berebut sekali =.=" #okaytupelik and and rindu nak pergi bazaar dengan mama. benda yang wajib di beli, 'creamer egg' , 'ayam percik' , 'mercun pop pop' , 'ice blended' , 'air kelapa' , dengan 'rangka ayam' :D tapi lepas tu ada je makanan yang tak habis. papa sure bebel teruk. sebelum buka puasa, selalu tolong mama buat kuih :) badak berendam lah, kuih gula melaka lah, macam macam lagi! rindu nak puasa dekat rumah :( rasa macam nak balik je minggu ni tapi next week nak balik dah. sabar okay hass :) tapi baju raya tak beli lagi -.- this year colour apa eh? mungkin sama colour dengan awak :) tapi one of my baju sure colour silver. tak kira tahun ni nak jugak silver! .__. nak jugak! *gulinggulingataslantai*

p/s : nanti balik naik bas kot -.- tapi papa, tolong lah amik sayaaa. tolong lahhh
p/s/s : nak beli colour kuning la tahun ni. boleh? :)

Sunday 7 August 2011

tunjukkan aku

Muzik dari jiwa, Lagu dari hati
Cerita sepurnama, Canda dan menangis
Belum ku selami, Caturan terjadi
Lelah dipukul badai, Apa mungkin terlerai

Soalan tersendu, Balas hampa bisu
Tuhan tunjuk sesuatu, Apa dia yang satu itu
Tunjukkan aku, Tunjukkan aku

Apa bisa ku cinta, Kamu seperti mana
Aku dicinta kamu, Aku dia jaga kamu
Atau kamu terlalu, Indah buat diriku
Beda dari diriku, Aku pun tak menahu

Soalan tersendu, Balas hampa bisu
Tuhan tunjuk sesuatu, Apa dia yang satu itu
Tunjukkan aku, Tunjukkan aku

Apa bisa ku cinta, Kamu seperti mana
Aku dicinta kamu, Aku dia jaga kamu
Atau kamu terlalu, Indah buat diriku
Beda dari diriku, Aku pun tak menahu

weekend #qadatidur


Tidur , Bangun , Mandi , Online , Tidur , Bangun , Mandi , Online :D

Aktiviti aktiviti sebegini sangat membransangkan otak kita ye. selain dapat mengqada tidur yang tak cukup di minggu exam yang lepas. tapi effect dia -___- akan jadi sedikit bangang, bongok sikit and lifeless. mongken sebab this week hampir semua student balik rumah. kitorang? penduduk tetap KMPP -.-" so stay la sampai cuti raya. ohh cakap pasal cuti raya, tiket bas tak dibeli lagi and last friday last day for booking. nice :] mongken kaklong balik jalan kaki je la ye maaaa? i need to tumpang sesiapa oh. sesiapa yang sudi menumpang kan saya yang comel ini? #buatmukacomelmintakkaki :]

oh ye, sebelum saya terlupa, ni hah ada pantun raya yang di gubah khas oleh hasmida azmi. i suka yang negeri sembilan punya ;)

Make ikke cicoh budu
Jange lupo tamboh satar
Kelik rayo taksir laju
Nanti rayo dale sepita

Makang ubi jamang jepong
Makang kepok cicah cuke
Bulang pose mung bengong
Bulang raye mung gile

Sepadan pahang ada kasino
Nasi dagang ikan patin
Jange mu masam muko
Raya makan rendang sadin

Cegitu cegini awak suke
Awak suke kite tak suke
Esok luse hari raye
Sama-sama bersuke rie

Hawau kau berak merate
Kaki bengkak ulau patok
Kalau balik naik kerete
Jangan pandu kalau ngantok

Masak lomak cili api
Campo dongan daun turi
Hari rayo kolumpo sopi
Tinggal ponyamun dongan poncuri

Wa cakap lu wa tak tau
Tapi wa tipu sama lu
Raya jangan buat tak tau
Angpau ada bagi gua dulu

Gulai tempoyak ikan mayong
Deroyan busok tebok tupai
Pandu hemat ingat kampong
Asal teman selamat sampai

Aloq setaq teketaq ketaq
Lapaq perut makan pau
Macam mana tak ketaq
Kena paksa bagi angpau

Nasi kandaq kedai mamak
Anak mami juai pasemboq
Lepas raya usah dok teriak
Kalau ceti mai ikut dapoq

Padang besaq kecik aja
Tempat siam lalu lalang
Hari raya kita berbelanja
Jangan sampai menambah utang 

Saturday 6 August 2011

how to win a girl's heart?

HAAA, siapa siapa yang nak tackle someone tu, meh sini baca. who knows, this may be useful for you guys to win someone's heart :)

lelaki idaman?


Lelaki yang boleh membimbing wanita ke jalan-Nya


Lelaki yang berpakaian baju melayu dan menuju ke masjid


Lelaki yang selalu bercakap dengan nada yang rendah


Lelaki yang menghadiahkan sebuah doa setiap hari


Lelaki yang mengingatkan si dia tentang ibadat

p/s : haaaa suka nya lelaki macam ni :)

Friday 5 August 2011

did i know you?

Sorry to say but did we know each other? what about 'from now kita dah tak kenal' what about 'i hate you hass' what about 'you're selfish' ? you're too much. yes, too much. Im tired of stupid arguments, thousands of unacceptable reasons, lies. I dont wanna feel it again. like seriously, i cant barely to face it AGAIN.  now its over. totally over.

p/s : terus melangkah melupakanmu, lelah hati perhatikan sikap mu #mongkinbolehnyanyijap



p/s : awak awak, tau gula gula hacks, cuba teka apa maksud dia? :)

we gonna party like, like its the end of the world!

AT LAST, ups is over! supposedly tonight plan nak turun lepak lepak tapi macam lewat inform #DANISIBONGOK tomorrow night kita lepak okay? nak main gitar sekali. nak nyanyi untuk si #udinudang HAHA :D eh has, tau lah ups dah habis. tapi tak bermaksud boleh lepak lepak je terus. pspm semester satu pun tak lepas lagi =.=' haha.


cuti raya nak dekat. dua minggu je lagi :) cant wait to celebrate raya dekat negeri sembilan this year! i'll request lemang and lodeh -.-' and dont forget rendang! :D and and, duit raya too. hee. lek lah, baru 19. tak salah kot mintak duit raya :] #buatmukainnocent apa apa pun, kena habis kan dua minggu dengan sangat terseksa di sini. maaf mama, kita dapat berpuasa together gether seminggu je :( nanti saya balik sila lah masak sedap sedap ye.

p/s : sila lah tengok relationship status saya dekat FB sekarang! upsss ;) 

Thursday 4 August 2011

bio bio bio :D


at first bila bukak je papar tu, i was likeee, T____T SUMPAH SUSAH! then while waiting till 9 o'clock, boleh tertidur kejap. 5 minutes. haha. bangun bangun blank terus. and suddenly teringat awak :) semangat sikit lah jawab and bio was quite okay. rasa macam boleh jawab :) wee. compared to kimia last two days. ergghh -.-

okay now science comp pulak! pleaseeeeeee be nice :( im not really into you but make me fall for you can ah? hass, move your ass now! go study. lepas tu, haa enjoy lah. okay baiii. wish me luck! :)
p/s : eh UPS nak habis :) dah ready kot nak buat confession. haaa takut lah :/

Wednesday 3 August 2011

saya rindu awak!

saya rindu awak tau tak?!

ME got haters?

BAHAHAHAHAH! *gelak kuat kuat sat* am i that hot? sampai got so many haters?

dear haters yang saya sangat hormati,


I keep it real and that's the promise, I may be a bitch but at least im honest, When i walk by, you stop and stare, Well keep looking because i dont care, I have my own life and style, Not trying to please you or make you smile, When it comes to competition you're out, Now shut your hating AZZ, And keep me out of your mouth

sincerely, hasmida azmi :) 

p/s : tetiba rasa macam nak makan chocolate sekarang. KINDERBUENO satuu!

imma cinderella!

There's this one guy,


who will come into my life, and says,

"NURUL HASMIDA AZMI, saya sudah siap sedia untuk lindungi awak
daripada apa sahaja mulai saat ini hinggalah saya pergi buat selamanya"


p/s : okay, dia dah start nak berangan lah tu .__.

dear maths, we're over!

Maths, kita break T__T

Thanks sesangat lah kepada pembuat soalan maths ups this year. you've successfully make me starting to hate this subject. i cant answer the last question :'( and i think the 7 marks question also i cant answer. macam impossible je nak dapat A *_* cikgu jamaliah mesti kecewa *sigh* ahhh, dah lah. benda dah lepas. nak buat macam mana. better get ready for bio and science comp tomorrow. two killer subjects. especially science comp. not familiar with those 'IT' words. motherboard, processor, adapter card, bla bla bla .__. okay gonna die tomorrow.


Oh noooo! ;'/ sumpah takut. tak nak jadi anak dara tua. and at the same time, if kahwin tak nak bermadu. sharing husband? NO WAY! i'd rather be alone for the rest of my life -.-' last week tengok 3,2,1 cinta. and yes nisbah perempuan dengan lelaki now 37:1. i was like, aaaaaaa .___. GILA LAH! asal perempuan ramai sangat nih? mana pergi semua lelaki?! Nanti saya nak kahwin dengan siapaaa? :O maybe boleh start cari jodoh sekarang *angkat angkat kening* tapi macam muda lagi je. 19 years old? -.- wait for my prince charming to come or CARIIIIIII?! *tak payah nak prince charming sangat lah kan* .___. yes, jodoh tu memang lah dah ditentukan tapi still kena la cari. nanti tak kahwin tak mau mati sorang sorang. tak mau tak mau! arghhhhh! tapi sekarang fikir study dulu. make my parents proud first, then boleh fikir pasal jodoh.

p/s : awak, mungkin awak kot jodoh saya :)

Tuesday 2 August 2011


english paper is equal to DISASTER

english paper has successful ruined my mood today 

If i failed my kimia paper this evening, then i'll blame you ENGLISH! why lah susah sangat -.- me suddenly have no idea at all. and essay question dia tanya apa tau? 'reasons why reality television shows are popular' apaa punya soalan T__T two points je yang bernas tadi saya rasa. lagi satu hampesss. then i find out my reading comprehension dah dua salah =.=" how can i answer kimia kejap lagi? sure i'll keep on thinking about paper tadi. and kimia, please be nice. PLEASE :(

yang sudah tu sudah lah ye 

its too late. yes, its too late for me to turn back. im sorry. ada hati yang perlu dijaga sekarang. and i'll appreciate everybody around me. who loves me and care for me. thanks cause came into my life and being a part of me even its just for awhile. i wont hate you. i feel so thankful to Him cause i learned so many things thru this bond. Im just one of them. people come and go. be happy and let everything go.

p/s : i need fooooooood lah right now! ;/

Monday 1 August 2011

choki choki?!


haa mai sini mai sini

Bila hasmida azmi dah mula berceloteh

Sebelum tu, happy ramadhan al-mubarak to my family, tia, dian, amy, pah, efy, and semua yang kenal hasmida azmi :) Di kesempatan ni, i wanna seek for apologize to people around me, especially you, mama. papa pun. ive been a little bit naughty lately ni kan? so maaf kan lah anak mu ini. hee :') sedih tak dapat puasa first day dengan koraaaang! i miss your roti bakar lah maaa :( tak sabar nak balik 19th august ni!


yes, hasmida azmi is just a normal girl. who always make mistakes. who always speak without thinking. so, here i am, a normal girl who's now on her knees, saying i'm sorry for my wrong doings, i'm sorry if ive hurt one of you, im sorry if ive accidentally said something that might hurt you guys. hasmida ni nakal sikit. err, banyak actually. im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorryyyyyyyyy! T__T and hey, some people said ive changed. A LOT. is it truee? :O'

Fenomena terbaru after DOMO? -..- but i hate domo. annoying la gigi dia. nganga luas luas. nak bagi lalat masuk apa? =.=' i lolololololovee angry bird! but i love pink panther more :) angry bird tersangat lah cool! maa, nak satu yang besaaaaar punya can ah? PLEAAAAASEE?

p/s : seronok nya puasa first day. lapar gila. horror geyl!