Tuesday 3 May 2011


morning yols! since last night ive been practicing playing my guitar. DAH PANDAI MAIN zee avi's song, bitter heart though not that good. im still learning how to catch up some difficult chords. from one chord to another is quite far and its not easy to change the chords that fast. now im on my way to play fynn jamal's song, 150 juta. my left fingers dah sakit sakit -.-" so saaaad. bengkak cause keep on practicing sepanjang malam. MIAHAHAHA *obsessed* memandangkan now i have to stay home doing nothing, so i'll be busy with my guitar lah. so yols jangan nak kata saya ni bajet ke apa ke. lu langsi lu mati, NANTIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! *okay tak pasal* -_______-"


if you guys noticed, yesterday my status on facebook was quite mengundang kan? if you guys dont know, lemme tell yah! i hate this one girl named *** maybe she dont hate me and dont even know the fact that i hate her so much. i mean SO MUCH. biasa la budak baru nak up. pffffttt -..-" gelabah anjing sangat. showing off your boobs and cleavage. it is so DISGUSTING you bitch. and one of your picture's caption is "ZAMAN JAHILIAH" WTF maaaan? :O then now you have changed to zaman apa pulak? okay maybe its not my problem, but still you're embarrassing. no need to showing off, just be true to who you are. ive known you before since we're in secondary school. why nak berubah sampai macam ni sekali? GET A LIFE weh. and to your friends pun, yang baru nak up semua tu. seriously kesian sangat. okay, thats all. lega sikit dah lepas geram. HAHA. and im not that good lah kan nak marah marah orang but still nak marah jugak! BAHAHAHA. KBAI. xoxo

p/s : saya nangis malam tadi T__T takda siapa pun pujuk. hmm i felt so boyfriendless. sorry bai

1 comment:

  1. lu langsi lu mati? :O Ya Allah! Garangnyew. HAHAHA.

    Apa nangis nangis nii! Tak teenage laa :p
