Saturday 28 May 2011

miss you oldmates

shafinas saad, liyana mutalib

i love this girls so much :) they're always there for me. lend their ears for me and watched me crying, smiling and know all of my stories. every morning they woke me up. sure susah nak kejut kan has kan? MUHAHA. and i always ask you guys to wake me up at 6 am but i'll end up wake at 7 am =__=" haha. they always concern about me, my health. whenever im on a diet, they'll scold me. haha :'D miss you guys so much. still remember both of you give me advices about love. we gossiped about guys and girls here. *mengumpat sebenarnya* we talk about guys we love :) we went for a walk at tasik. jogging sometimes. haha still remember yana was left far behind ;D comel je kan? both of you are like my mum. told me not to do this and that. haha. lagi lagi yana -__-" IBU YANA. although now you guys are not my roommates, but trust me both of you are the best roommates in the world! i miss sleeping with you guys. haha. menyelit tengah tengah sebab takut hantu =.=" hug kuat kuat sebab takut. miss those moment :')

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