Wednesday 4 May 2011


dudes, i miss all my silly drawings ;( funny faces i made. erghh. actually ive lost my mouse, and i dont know how to draw without using mouse. i dont know how to control my hand. hee. so maybe i'll start drawing back after i buy new mouse! means need to spend some money for it. pffftttt -___-" the part that i hate the most. mintak mama to buy one for me. i can imagine our conversation nanti *selalunya dekat dapur la

me : mama ku yang baik *senyum
mama : haa kau nak apa?
me : mama baik tak hari ni?
mama : TAK
me : -_____-" ehehehe. nak mintak beli mouse for laptop saya boleh tak?
mama : guna duit sendiri!
me : alaaaaa semua nak beli guna duit sendiri tak syok la! murah je mouse tu
mama : berapa?
me : err dalam bawah rm40?
mama : *buat tak dengar terus kan kegiatan masak memasaknya
me : T___T dah agaak

so i need to buy it using my money. sedihh T__T

by the way, i'll go back to penang 23rd ni. cant wait to finish up my matriculation. me want to study at UNIVERSITI lah! Dx soo sad all my buddies have continue their study at U and me? still here T____T haizzzzz.

and and andd ni lagi satu cek nak cerita kat hampa semuaa

cek pening naaa. next sem what course should i take? physics or IT? i dont see any benefit of taking any of this two subjects but apparently we have to choose either one. and now im soooo fucking confused which one should i take. i can relate this situation to 'the road not taken' poem -___- HAHA. both of them have their own benefit and risk. so i need to think wisely before i pick. if i choose physics, then it'll be liddis and if i choose IT, it'll be liddat -____- arghh. depends on my results, physics is better than bio. HAHA yahh macam ni lah kan future doctor. bio paling teruk among all my subjects. NICE.

SENANG SENANG nanti lah kita fikir ya. need my friends' and lecturers' advices lah i guess. so we'll see what'll happened nanti :D

p/s : actually while typing this post, my fucking stupid sister is sitting beside meh and bebeling like nenek. can you please STFU?! =/ KBAI

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