Monday 23 May 2011


Holla! okay im here again -.- at matrik. serious shit mati angkat barang tadi. just me and my dad ulang alik from car to block *dah la parking jauh gila. till now my hand and leg still shaking sebab letih sangat. HAHA. thank god i got same block as last year but 4th floor =/ memang serious mati la kan nak naik everyday T__T but try to think it in a positive way, i can exercise everyday. no need to jog every evening. just naik turun nak pegi class boleh bakar banyak kalori ^_^

okay enough about 'gemuk' or 'tembam'

now i wanna tell you about my new roommates. haha after i watched the roommate, im kinda scared to get to know them well. mana lah tau wujud ke that kinda roommate who's psycho and control her roommate like when she need to get back to room and where did she go and with who she hang out. weh scary kot -___-" DESPERATE GILA BAB. haha. but apparently, all my roommates quite okay though 'the awkward moment' always happened =___=" im a bit difficult to get comfortable with new people. so amik masa sikit okay? :) we have much time to get to know each other. hee. by the way, achudde letak my picture as her phone's wallpaper -.- lesbian kan? HAHA. besar pulak tu pic saya.

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