Tuesday 31 May 2011

i wonder why

kita satu malaysia :D haha *tak pasal*

i realize something when i was in lecture hall this morning. biology subject. there's one indian girl, she's so smart. showing much interest in this subject which i dont really like. im into bio but i have problems with remembering few biological terms. this girl got straight A's in spm, obviously -.- after the lecture finish, she immediately went on front the lecturer and ask few questions. and i heard a few students behind me said, "whoahhh bagusnya budak tu tanya soalan dekat pensyarah" and me myself also impress with that girl.

SUDDENLY, i remembered something, when i was in pdt year, there's one guy, malay guy frequently went in front of the lecture hall to ask questions and always gave responds while the lecturer is teaching. but whenever he opened his mouth to ask questions, i heard few students like saying "eleh bajet siot, buat buat tanya pulak. nak dapat attention lecturer lah tu. lepas tu nak bodek semua" i was likeee. aaaaaa? =.=" why ah when that indian girl show some interest, everybody like so impress and when one malay boy do the same thing, everyone feels annoyed. i dont get it. then how come melayu nak maju? asyik senyap dekat atas kerusi. bila lecturer nak tanya soalan, buat buat nyorok belakang member? lepas tu bising bila kaum lain start nak monopoli every course. aiyaaa im not being racist here. just wanna say something about malay students nowadays.

one more thing i wanna say here, about the way chinese students study. look at their bags pun boleh tahu kan macam mana diorang study =.=" ada tu beg sampai menyembah tanah. i wanna be like them. keep on learning and reading. their knowledge are infinity. HAHA. studying until midnight. didnt skip classes. always ask lecturers if they didnt understand. tak sombong bodoh like us. sorry to say but its the truth. we rarely ask lecturers if we didnt understand. then how come we will success?

i dont know why im so serious today =.=" maybe cause im too afraid if i didnt score for my final nanti. erghhh dont know =/ but im quite stressed today. tambah tambah lagi the weather are too hot. nak pegi mana mana pun tak selesa. and me keep on sweating. sampai ada budak tanya "eh has, berlari ke nak pegi class tadi?" =___= serious kuang ajaq hang. tampaq satgi! :S

p/s : jangan tegur if has bepeluh kalau tak nak makan PJJ.
p/s/s : PJJ = penampaq jarak jauh :P
p/s/s/s : apa dia? kak has ni garang? MEMANG! :/

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