Tuesday 3 May 2011

forgive me?

Here's are some tips for you guys who want to make your girl who is really really mad at you, forgive you :) just remember, girls are not that complicated. you guys just need to know us well and do as your heart says. it's really hard to get us to forgive you. SO, STOP GETTING YOUR GIRLS MAD! =/
  • Apologize first and foremost. Apologies, while just words, mean a lot. A simple "im sorry" is a start
  • Write an apology letter. As horrible or simple as what you did may have been, write a letter telling her you know what you did was your fault, how sorry you are, and how you'll never do it again
  • Let things cool off. DONT KEEP SAYING SORRY because she will get more mad at you than she already is
  • Tell her how much you love her, and that you are very sorry and never meant to hurt her
  • Email or text message her and make small talk. This may just get the conversation started on the track to being how you were before. Just realize that you cant completely ignore the fact that you were in the wrong
  • Give her time, if she needs it. In fact she may never forgive you but all you can do until she lets you know is just wait
  • DONT have someone apologize for you
  • Make small talk
  • After saying how sorry you are, ask things about her to make her feel special again
  • Tell her you love her, ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT
  • Never ask her friends why she's mad, she will only be more mad at you, and be mad at her friend because if she wanted you to know, she would have told you
  • Sometimes it better not to tell her everything your gonna change that makes her mad. JUST SHOW HER THAT ACTIONS SPEAK A WHOLE LOT LOUDER THAN WORDS

  • Dont just keep saying sorry. Its just starts to get annoying after a while
  • Seem upset, but not too upset! Dont make a big deal out of it. Dont be all over someone else. This will just make her angrier
  • Dont ask a million questions about her or it might scare her away again
  • Try to avoid giving gifts such as jewelery or some long-lasting keepsake, as this is not a time to be remembered
  • Never tell a girl she's hot, girls dont like that, tell them they're beautiful
  • Dont get crazy like punching a wall, DONT DO THAT! you might think its the only way you can get the anger out, but she will probably be afraid of you then. same thing goes for hurting yourself man!
  • Dont rush to get the answer whether she forgives you or not. if things go well, she'll give in definitely 

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