Tuesday 31 May 2011

a simple good night from me

This is not a flag! i repeat, THIS IS NOT A FLAG. although it do look like a flag -__- ahhh who cares?
im here to say good night to everybody. its 11.29 pm now and i know its quite early for us to sleep kan? but i have classes tomorrow and surely lots of tutorials and assignments to do. i also have to prepare for my MUET this year. oh gosh takutnyaaa ;/ what if i cant get band 4 and above? haiyaaa. tonight i take a look at computer science's notes for chapter one. sumpah lah kan susah gila babengggg. tak faham apa =( i need lecturer's help. like seriously. i couldnt understand anything. ANYTHING! (buat muka tension gila babeng) okay lah, too tired cause i read too many information tonight *INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY* =___=" hate it! night everybody.

i wonder why

kita satu malaysia :D haha *tak pasal*

i realize something when i was in lecture hall this morning. biology subject. there's one indian girl, she's so smart. showing much interest in this subject which i dont really like. im into bio but i have problems with remembering few biological terms. this girl got straight A's in spm, obviously -.- after the lecture finish, she immediately went on front the lecturer and ask few questions. and i heard a few students behind me said, "whoahhh bagusnya budak tu tanya soalan dekat pensyarah" and me myself also impress with that girl.

SUDDENLY, i remembered something, when i was in pdt year, there's one guy, malay guy frequently went in front of the lecture hall to ask questions and always gave responds while the lecturer is teaching. but whenever he opened his mouth to ask questions, i heard few students like saying "eleh bajet siot, buat buat tanya pulak. nak dapat attention lecturer lah tu. lepas tu nak bodek semua" i was likeee. aaaaaa? =.=" why ah when that indian girl show some interest, everybody like so impress and when one malay boy do the same thing, everyone feels annoyed. i dont get it. then how come melayu nak maju? asyik senyap dekat atas kerusi. bila lecturer nak tanya soalan, buat buat nyorok belakang member? lepas tu bising bila kaum lain start nak monopoli every course. aiyaaa im not being racist here. just wanna say something about malay students nowadays.

one more thing i wanna say here, about the way chinese students study. look at their bags pun boleh tahu kan macam mana diorang study =.=" ada tu beg sampai menyembah tanah. i wanna be like them. keep on learning and reading. their knowledge are infinity. HAHA. studying until midnight. didnt skip classes. always ask lecturers if they didnt understand. tak sombong bodoh like us. sorry to say but its the truth. we rarely ask lecturers if we didnt understand. then how come we will success?

i dont know why im so serious today =.=" maybe cause im too afraid if i didnt score for my final nanti. erghhh dont know =/ but im quite stressed today. tambah tambah lagi the weather are too hot. nak pegi mana mana pun tak selesa. and me keep on sweating. sampai ada budak tanya "eh has, berlari ke nak pegi class tadi?" =___= serious kuang ajaq hang. tampaq satgi! :S

p/s : jangan tegur if has bepeluh kalau tak nak makan PJJ.
p/s/s : PJJ = penampaq jarak jauh :P
p/s/s/s : apa dia? kak has ni garang? MEMANG! :/

Monday 30 May 2011

i pretty like this song

we called it banana song!

hey ladiessss, am i sexy? rarwww!
come on! lets sing together. HAHA

Open banana, open banana
Peel banana, peel peel banana
Eat banana, eat eat banana
Throw banana, throw throw banana
Close banana, close close banana

they said this song is a cute song. but i think its more to a sexy song =.=" especially when you sing and know the steps for this song. i like the "open banana" part, i was imagine one sexy girl like dancing and open her cloth. and at the end close it back. HAHA oneday if you meet me somewhere, please remind me to show you guys all the steps. it's quite interesting!

p/s : i think ayumi's step was the most awesome step! :D
p/s/s : sorry i dont really know how to draw banana but its do look like a banana right? with shades! 


because of one nightmare, my whole entire life will be destroyed

i was not okay when i woke up this morning. something was disturbing my mind. i had a nightmare last night. it was horrible. i think if its really happened, i cant continue my life and i'll give up. im quite down today because of that dream. everybody in my family like ignore me. my mum said i didnt have bright future and she's really disappointed with me. my dad didnt talk to me at all. everybody like doing their things without bothering about me. im all alone. i hope it wont be true. just a dream. and forever will be a dream. i need to start from now. no more playing around. no more wasting my time. just concentrate on what im doing. and focus on what i really i wanna be. there're so many things i need to improve and learn more. i need to leave everything behind and be more professional.

p/s : you guys mesti nak tahu mimpi apa kan? haa nak tau sila lah tanya.

Sunday 29 May 2011

pretty please?

i want this badly! T__T i cant sleep every night cause its too dark whenever they switch off the light =.="

Saturday 28 May 2011

miss you oldmates

shafinas saad, liyana mutalib

i love this girls so much :) they're always there for me. lend their ears for me and watched me crying, smiling and know all of my stories. every morning they woke me up. sure susah nak kejut kan has kan? MUHAHA. and i always ask you guys to wake me up at 6 am but i'll end up wake at 7 am =__=" haha. they always concern about me, my health. whenever im on a diet, they'll scold me. haha :'D miss you guys so much. still remember both of you give me advices about love. we gossiped about guys and girls here. *mengumpat sebenarnya* we talk about guys we love :) we went for a walk at tasik. jogging sometimes. haha still remember yana was left far behind ;D comel je kan? both of you are like my mum. told me not to do this and that. haha. lagi lagi yana -__-" IBU YANA. although now you guys are not my roommates, but trust me both of you are the best roommates in the world! i miss sleeping with you guys. haha. menyelit tengah tengah sebab takut hantu =.=" hug kuat kuat sebab takut. miss those moment :')


  • Joke about breaking up
  • Talk to your partner about your ex
  • Lie
  • Make promises you cant keep
  • Flirt with other girls
  • Make fun about woman's face, hair, body or clothes
  • Show too much care about fashion
  • Expect praise for doing what you're supposed to do
  • Show your fear of a dog
  • Cry while watching movie
  • Break your words
  • Wear too-short or too-tight shorts
  • Pierce any part of your body
  • Criticize another man's wife in front of him
  • Cheat on your partners
  • Tell a woman that she's overreacting
  • Talk to a woman when you're mad 
  • Treat a woman badly and with disrespect 
  • Blame your faults on a woman

Friday 27 May 2011


new routine
  • wake up early every morning
  • having breakfast at least bread or milk
  • going to class alone
  • try to attend every lecture and tutorials
  • finish up my tutorial
  • study hard
  • always ask lecturers of i dont understand anything
  • rarely outing
  • spend my weekend doing revision
  • missing you everyday ;)
  • DIET!
  • call mama everyday
  • playing guitar every evening
  • go to sleep by 12 am
  • update blog whenever im free
  • tweet every seconds. MUHAHAHA
p/s : hopefully constant lah benda ni. doakan kejayaan saya tahun ini :)

last day

two days ago while i was playing my guitar, suddenly -___-" PAAAPPPP! thefuckkk? satu tali putus T___T baru je bawak balik sini dah tak dapat main. you know what, i still trying to pluck it and its sound weird =.=' nak outing beli tali baru! :O but this weekend i plan not to go anywhere. nak saving money for next week :)
T___T sorry sebab tak jaga awak dengan baik

haihh. pejam celik pejam celik, orientation week is coming to an end. today is the last day. im soooo happy! yay! i hate this week. i feel like 7 years old student. dancing banana song, and learn how to clap my hands, thehell? -__-" and even most of the facilitators keep on blaming us, expdtians. padahal budak pst banyak je tak turun taklimat semua. hey, be fair okay! open your eyes, i think just few of us yang buat hal. budak pst lagi ramai yang buat kepala *sorry la kepada yang tak salah. this is for yang prangai cam taik. apa apa pun, the conclusion is orientation pdt dulu lagi havoc compared to this year punya. not systematic, and schedule berterabur, and BORING! thank god dah habis :D cant wait to start class next week. heee

Thursday 26 May 2011

third day

hey its me again! hass in da housee. and today i still wanna talk about my roommates. boooooring *sigh. but still wanna talk about them. today is my third day here not including last year lah. and i still cant adapt with them and new people here. maybe because they're younger than me. i dont know how to start conversation and what should i talk. so i rather keep quite and just smile. later we'll try to talk and gossiping okay?

p/s : homesick =/ i miss my home and my family. pfffttt. bila lah nak holiday semester nih? HAHA.

Monday 23 May 2011


Holla! okay im here again -.- at matrik. serious shit mati angkat barang tadi. just me and my dad ulang alik from car to block *dah la parking jauh gila. till now my hand and leg still shaking sebab letih sangat. HAHA. thank god i got same block as last year but 4th floor =/ memang serious mati la kan nak naik everyday T__T but try to think it in a positive way, i can exercise everyday. no need to jog every evening. just naik turun nak pegi class boleh bakar banyak kalori ^_^

okay enough about 'gemuk' or 'tembam'

now i wanna tell you about my new roommates. haha after i watched the roommate, im kinda scared to get to know them well. mana lah tau wujud ke that kinda roommate who's psycho and control her roommate like when she need to get back to room and where did she go and with who she hang out. weh scary kot -___-" DESPERATE GILA BAB. haha. but apparently, all my roommates quite okay though 'the awkward moment' always happened =___=" im a bit difficult to get comfortable with new people. so amik masa sikit okay? :) we have much time to get to know each other. hee. by the way, achudde letak my picture as her phone's wallpaper -.- lesbian kan? HAHA. besar pulak tu pic saya.

Tuesday 17 May 2011


feeling like blogging something right now. five days left for me to enjoy here before i go back to penang -.- just FIVE days left. time run too fast. i still cant believe ive finished my PDT year :') now i am ready to face my last year at matrik. and i cant wait to finish it up. hasmida, you need to study hard this year, remember, STUDY HARD. as hard as you can. there's no such thing study smart or whatever. just study till you die. HAHA. for your own future jugak. so that nanti kerja bagus bagus, gaji banyak :O nanti boleh kahwin. HAHA joke =| nothing much happened since this morning. i wake up and help my mum with her cooking and tolong kemas rumah. cause my mum's untie datang rumah. letih jugak lah nak kemas semua. now i know how hard and tired my mum everyday. haishh kesian mama. mama kata,

"Nasib baik lah kaklong ada dekat rumah. kalau tak mati mama sorang sorang buat semua ni"

no biggie mama! =) i'll always be here to help you whenever you need me. no worries okay

p/s : mama masak udang hari ni, my favourite! ;D

Monday 16 May 2011

selamat tinggal

anak pak mat makan ikan tenggiri
 tulang ikan tercucuk mata
bukan niat ku menjauhkan diri
cuma mungkin ini yang terbaik untuk kita


Thursday 5 May 2011

ahh :D

aiyooooo! ive found my mouse this morning while cleaning up all my stationery stuffs, before going back to penang :D hoooraaayyy! means no need to spend my money to buy the new one. geeeezzzzz. and its easier for me to draw after this :]

"jeng jeng jeeeeeng!"

tonight something will happened. i hope everything will just be fine. and for you my bestie, be strong okay? no matter what happened i'll always stay here with you :'] settle baik baik malam ni okay?

Wednesday 4 May 2011


dudes, i miss all my silly drawings ;( funny faces i made. erghh. actually ive lost my mouse, and i dont know how to draw without using mouse. i dont know how to control my hand. hee. so maybe i'll start drawing back after i buy new mouse! means need to spend some money for it. pffftttt -___-" the part that i hate the most. mintak mama to buy one for me. i can imagine our conversation nanti *selalunya dekat dapur la

me : mama ku yang baik *senyum
mama : haa kau nak apa?
me : mama baik tak hari ni?
mama : TAK
me : -_____-" ehehehe. nak mintak beli mouse for laptop saya boleh tak?
mama : guna duit sendiri!
me : alaaaaa semua nak beli guna duit sendiri tak syok la! murah je mouse tu
mama : berapa?
me : err dalam bawah rm40?
mama : *buat tak dengar terus kan kegiatan masak memasaknya
me : T___T dah agaak

so i need to buy it using my money. sedihh T__T

by the way, i'll go back to penang 23rd ni. cant wait to finish up my matriculation. me want to study at UNIVERSITI lah! Dx soo sad all my buddies have continue their study at U and me? still here T____T haizzzzz.

and and andd ni lagi satu cek nak cerita kat hampa semuaa

cek pening naaa. next sem what course should i take? physics or IT? i dont see any benefit of taking any of this two subjects but apparently we have to choose either one. and now im soooo fucking confused which one should i take. i can relate this situation to 'the road not taken' poem -___- HAHA. both of them have their own benefit and risk. so i need to think wisely before i pick. if i choose physics, then it'll be liddis and if i choose IT, it'll be liddat -____- arghh. depends on my results, physics is better than bio. HAHA yahh macam ni lah kan future doctor. bio paling teruk among all my subjects. NICE.

SENANG SENANG nanti lah kita fikir ya. need my friends' and lecturers' advices lah i guess. so we'll see what'll happened nanti :D

p/s : actually while typing this post, my fucking stupid sister is sitting beside meh and bebeling like nenek. can you please STFU?! =/ KBAI

Tuesday 3 May 2011

oh my ;(


forgive me?

Here's are some tips for you guys who want to make your girl who is really really mad at you, forgive you :) just remember, girls are not that complicated. you guys just need to know us well and do as your heart says. it's really hard to get us to forgive you. SO, STOP GETTING YOUR GIRLS MAD! =/
  • Apologize first and foremost. Apologies, while just words, mean a lot. A simple "im sorry" is a start
  • Write an apology letter. As horrible or simple as what you did may have been, write a letter telling her you know what you did was your fault, how sorry you are, and how you'll never do it again
  • Let things cool off. DONT KEEP SAYING SORRY because she will get more mad at you than she already is
  • Tell her how much you love her, and that you are very sorry and never meant to hurt her
  • Email or text message her and make small talk. This may just get the conversation started on the track to being how you were before. Just realize that you cant completely ignore the fact that you were in the wrong
  • Give her time, if she needs it. In fact she may never forgive you but all you can do until she lets you know is just wait
  • DONT have someone apologize for you
  • Make small talk
  • After saying how sorry you are, ask things about her to make her feel special again
  • Tell her you love her, ONLY IF YOU MEAN IT
  • Never ask her friends why she's mad, she will only be more mad at you, and be mad at her friend because if she wanted you to know, she would have told you
  • Sometimes it better not to tell her everything your gonna change that makes her mad. JUST SHOW HER THAT ACTIONS SPEAK A WHOLE LOT LOUDER THAN WORDS

  • Dont just keep saying sorry. Its just starts to get annoying after a while
  • Seem upset, but not too upset! Dont make a big deal out of it. Dont be all over someone else. This will just make her angrier
  • Dont ask a million questions about her or it might scare her away again
  • Try to avoid giving gifts such as jewelery or some long-lasting keepsake, as this is not a time to be remembered
  • Never tell a girl she's hot, girls dont like that, tell them they're beautiful
  • Dont get crazy like punching a wall, DONT DO THAT! you might think its the only way you can get the anger out, but she will probably be afraid of you then. same thing goes for hurting yourself man!
  • Dont rush to get the answer whether she forgives you or not. if things go well, she'll give in definitely 


morning yols! since last night ive been practicing playing my guitar. DAH PANDAI MAIN zee avi's song, bitter heart though not that good. im still learning how to catch up some difficult chords. from one chord to another is quite far and its not easy to change the chords that fast. now im on my way to play fynn jamal's song, 150 juta. my left fingers dah sakit sakit -.-" so saaaad. bengkak cause keep on practicing sepanjang malam. MIAHAHAHA *obsessed* memandangkan now i have to stay home doing nothing, so i'll be busy with my guitar lah. so yols jangan nak kata saya ni bajet ke apa ke. lu langsi lu mati, NANTIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! *okay tak pasal* -_______-"


if you guys noticed, yesterday my status on facebook was quite mengundang kan? if you guys dont know, lemme tell yah! i hate this one girl named *** maybe she dont hate me and dont even know the fact that i hate her so much. i mean SO MUCH. biasa la budak baru nak up. pffffttt -..-" gelabah anjing sangat. showing off your boobs and cleavage. it is so DISGUSTING you bitch. and one of your picture's caption is "ZAMAN JAHILIAH" WTF maaaan? :O then now you have changed to zaman apa pulak? okay maybe its not my problem, but still you're embarrassing. no need to showing off, just be true to who you are. ive known you before since we're in secondary school. why nak berubah sampai macam ni sekali? GET A LIFE weh. and to your friends pun, yang baru nak up semua tu. seriously kesian sangat. okay, thats all. lega sikit dah lepas geram. HAHA. and im not that good lah kan nak marah marah orang but still nak marah jugak! BAHAHAHA. KBAI. xoxo

p/s : saya nangis malam tadi T__T takda siapa pun pujuk. hmm i felt so boyfriendless. sorry bai

Monday 2 May 2011


want you
need you
exceed you
take you
love you
hate you
play you
rate you
save you
AND break you
makes you


Sunday 1 May 2011


It's sad when people you know become people you knew,
when you can walk right past somone like they were never
a big part of your life, how you used to be able to talk for hours
and now you can barely even look at them