Tuesday 10 January 2012


You make me worry. Please get well soon sayang. I hate seeing your face in pain. Sihat cepat! ;( Sorry i cant be by your side to cheer you up and reduce the pain, but i'll always be here for you in case you need me to console you. Really hope nothing bad will happen and you can walk as usual soon :'(

Me part of choir for mini kakom. I was planning not to participate mini kakom this year but then end up join jugak *sigh* So we're gonna beat them this year. Jyeahhh (Y) At first we planned to sing medley of rumour has it and someone like you performed by GLEE. But seems like we cant take those high pitch.


The song ABC sang by GLEE was not that bad but still it's quite hard to sing that song. Too fast i think. And the pitch is quite high. Tomorrow we'll plan for another song. One month left for us to practice. Ugh. Stresssssssss.

I heard someone keep on asking about my life now. Well, just want you to know that i am smiling right now :) means im happy. Im leaving everything behind. Hasmida dah tak nangis macam dulu lagi. Dont worry. I hope you're doing well in your life. You were there, accidentally entered. Even sekejap, but those advices, i really appreciate them. Thanks buddy!

Aiyoo, sleepy head, wake up! Hari ni tidur dari pukul 1 tengahari sampai 5 petang. Otak pun jadi agak bangang sikit. I need to use my brain tonight or otherwise it'll shut down till tomorrow. Chiao.

ps : lega after tau kaki awak okay. if tak for sure tak dapat tidur nyenyak malam ni. risaunya :(

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