Tuesday 6 March 2012

Im back

Hello March.

5 weeks left for me here. It's quite sad cause there are so many memories that teach me lessons of life. Hard for me to visit Penang after this. I'm gonna miss everything. A hectic life here, annoying lecturers, tons of tutorials and assignments, lab reports, nice friends, overnight at pulau, crazy-stupid-annoying roommates, and the one that i'll miss the most is YOU

The way you look at me a year ago, when i don't even noticed about your presence. The way you observed me inside and outside. The way you approached me. The awkwardness we faced before i can really adapt and feel comfortable with you. Your patience in waiting me to totally accept you, to totally open my entire heart for you. I was touched with everything you've done to win my heart. I'll miss every path we took here, i'll miss Pongsu, i'll miss watching you eat like a starving baby penguin, i'll miss your buenos, i'll miss outing, karaokeing with you, eating sizzling noodles with you, coolblog! I'll miss everything :') I just wanna appreciate and cherish the moments i have with you.

Okay, don't make me start talk about Ajik, cause it'll be hard for me to stop. There's no end in our story ;) hee. So, I'm planning to start my revision this weekend. Need to move! I'm away for awhile, and will continue blogging on MAY! :) Then i need to plan what to do for my five months holidayyy.

Pray for my final. I'm gonna pray for 4 FLAT for sure. And to my sayang, study hard. I'm hoping for you to get a great result and together we'll success and InsyaAllah we'll start to plan our future soon :) Can't wait to officially be yours. I love you Haziq.

ps : To Mama and Papa, I promise i'll make you guys proud and i'll prove to you that everything will be worth it :') Love you guys

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