Friday 2 September 2011

can i say

Im happy enough with my life now. Maybe I don't have branded things, I don't have lots of money, I don't have a closet full with clothes and expensive accessories, Im not popular and trying to be an attention seeker, but im happy enough right now cause I have family, few friends, and you :) That make me stronger day by day. Im starting to believe the existence of happiness. I don't want a happy ending cause I don't want every moment i spend with the one I love END. I want it to stay forever, till my last breath. I've fall really hard, and now its time for me to stand up again, on my own feet and tell the world that I can survive and I can be what I wannabe. I wanna learn to appreciate everybody, and even myself :) I don't wanna be a loser, who always cry whenever she's alone or heard people talking behind her. Not anymore. Listen, you can say whatever you wanna say about me. I don't care anymore. I am tired of hearing such a ridiculous rumors. You have no right to say a single word about me, my choices, or my past. Cause you weren't there. You didn't get your heart broken, I did. Not you, me. So, please just STFU and live your life without saying any single thing about meh :) okay? Thats all, bye yols~

p/s : duit raya dapat sikit je tahun ni =.="

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