Tuesday 27 December 2011

christmas hohoho?

Christmas holidays was awesome. At last i was at home, spending time with mama and my sis. Papa? Macam chipsmore kejap ada kejap takda. Too busy with his getah stuffs. Well, actually nothing much happened since i went back just for FOUR days. Let me summarize everything i did, the place i went to and what i had.

Nasi ayam. Wangsa walk. 3 new blouses. Adik bought Domo's school back, euw. Bubletea. Hot & Roll. Seri Maya. Selayang. Wafle. That's it.

Yesterday i got back here at 9.30 pm. Then quickly finished up my lab report. And sleep while on the phone with you (:

Today i need to move my freaking ass. Lots of works to do. Chiao.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

apple of my eye

Hari ni buka mata fikiran terus melayang teringat si dia. Terasa bersemangat untuk menghadapi hari. Untuk tahu ada si dia yang memerhati, terasa hidup teramat bermakna. Rasa sayang makin bertambah dari hari ke hari. Aku harap ianya tidak akan berkurang walau sebesar kuman. Jika hilang cinta ini, tentu hilang arah tuju hidup. Akan aku pastikan cinta terus bercambah.Tidak akan pernah hilang dimakan waktu. Tak sabar rasanya bakal mengharungi masa hadapan kelak bersama. Berjanji sehidup semati. Di saat itu langsung aku setuju hanya dirimu yang satu. Insyaallah cinta ini tak kan mati dimamah usia. Kau sentiasa indah dimata aku. Setiap nafas, detik jantungku, juga kelipan mataku, aku selalu memikirkan dirimu.

Monday 19 December 2011

new chapter begin

Dear insecurity,

You're totally a jerk. Starting from now, i am leaving you behind. I'll put more faith in every single moment i'll spend with him. There's nothing to be afraid with what might come in our future. I am throwing away my past. Now it's time for me to focus in my studies, family and him :)

To someone,

I want you to help me by staying with me, trust me and never stop loving me. I wanna give another chance for myself, to completely trust someone i love.

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous.
Love is never boastful or conceited.
It does not take offense and is not resentful.
It is never rude or selfish.

Sunday 18 December 2011

i think this song describes us

Untuk kali keseratus lima puluh juta
Mereka tanya kan engkau soalan yang sama
Eh kenapa kau masih lagi mahukan dia
Apa kau buta apa kau pura pura suka

Di seratus lima puluh juta kali itu
Di depan semua engkau tarik tangan aku
Yang sedang buat muka kosong tak ambil tahu
Sambil ketawa engkau bilang satu per satu

Dia mungkin bengis seperti singa
Tapi dia nangis tonton cerita korea
Dia mungkin keras bila bersuara
Tapi dia jelas jujur apa adanya

Aku lagi kenal dia

Dah lebih seratus lima puluh juta kali
Aku pesan padamu apa yang bakal jadi
Engkau dan aku ada mungkin tidak serasi
Kau sangat manis aku ini pula dawai besi

Dan setiap seratus lima puluh juta nya
Aku pun dalam hati semacam tak percaya
Apa kau lihat pada aku jujurkan saja
Terus kau cubit dagu aku sambil berkata

Sayang mungkin baran tak kira masa
Tapi sayang tahan kalau salahnya saya
Sayang mungkin saja kerasa kepala
Tapi sayang manja bila kita berdua

Saya kenal sayang saya

Buat apa dicerita bahgia kita rasa
Biar tak dipercaya peduli orang kata
Baju ronyok tak apa asal pakai selesa
Berkilau tak bermakna kalau hati tak ada

Aku lebih bengis dari sang naga
Tapi bisa nangis semata demi cinta
Suara ku keras tak berbahasa
Kerna aku rimas gedik mengada ngada

Aku mudah baran tidak semena
Mana boleh tahan angin cemburu buta
Dan aku sengaja tunjuk keras kepala
Aku punya manja kau saja boleh rasa

Rahsia kita berdua ;)

they said


Thursday 15 December 2011

pagi yang indah

Hari ni tak turun dataran, got assembly -.- stupid assembly. Come on, we're not high school students, dude. Assembly reminds me of school. Need to beratur, and get ready for the spot check. Kuku tu mesti pendek, if tak for sure akan kena ketuk. I hate prefects though i used to be one of them. But i managed to stay for one year only, then i changed to librarian. I hate school cause i'll never feel like im one of the students. People might call me weird, who cares. Yes, i used to be something weird. Or in other word, a loner. I am not into friendships thingyy. Itu dulu. But now i learn how to make friends though it's quite awkward at first. At least i am trying.

It's about 4 months left, then i'll be no longer be here, around Penang. Tak tau bila lagi boleh datang sini. I've decided to apply dentist at UKM. Pray for me, for this last semester. I need to be a doctor. And what make me so sad thinking that i'll be no longer staying here is you. For sure susah nak jumpa nanti. I'll be missing you like crazy :( Really hope kita masuk U sama nanti, or at least satu negeri.

'Saat saat yang mengembirakan buat I adalah
bersama dengan orang yang I sayang'


Wednesday 14 December 2011


I cursed a lot nowadays. Since i am a girl, so i think i should throw away this bad attitude. I HAVE TO. I need to remind myself to be careful in whatever that might come out from my bad mouth. Someone, please reminds me always.

Monday 12 December 2011

happy to know you're here

I wonder how my life could be now, if you're not here with me. Im sure it'll be absolutely simple but yet i realized it'll be incomplete. Some people said, single is better, free from problems, no tears, no misunderstanding. BUT i think i prefer something complicated to make my life become more meaningful. With you here, out of sudden came into my life, i feel so lucky to have you, to own you, to say that you're totally mine, to hold your hand tightly, to get to know you well. You know what, your heart is stereo and it beats for me ;)

How do i get through a night without you
If i had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
I need you in my arm, need you to hold
You my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby you will take away everything
good in my life, and tell me now
How do i live without you
I want to know
How do i breath without you
If you ever go
How do i ever survive
Without you there'll be no sun in my sky
There'll be no world left for me
I'll be lost if i lost you

ps : i love you :)

Sunday 11 December 2011

Wednesday 7 December 2011

wish you were here

I can be strong, I can be tough
But with you, it's not like that at all
There's a girl that gives a shit
Behind this wall you just walk thru it

And i remember all those crazy things you said
You left them running thru my head
You're always there you're everywhere
But right now i wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now i wish you were here

Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to make you here, here, here
I wish you were here
Damn, damn, damn
What I'd do to make you near, near, near
I wish you were here

I love the way you are
It's who I am, don't have to try hard
 We always say, say it like it is
And the truth is that I really miss
I just wanna let you know
That I'll never let you go

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Alhamdulillah :')

Terima kasih Ya Allah, kau berikan aku lagi peluang untuk bangkit kembali. Perbetulkan segala kesilapan lalu ku. Menunjukkan kelemahan dan kelebihan ku. Memberikan kejayaan yang tidak ku duga. Redhai lah jalan ku ini. Aku bersyukur. Alhamdulillah.

ps : This is for my mum and my dad :')

tomorrow is the day

This night is the toughest night i've ever been thru, wondering what will happen tomorrow, my future, their hopes, what i've dreamed before, what could possibly i'd be 10 years from now. *Sigh* A doctor? nahh, mimpi je lah. Maybe something different, or something weird. But i just hope i'll be someone who'll contribute something for my country. And i'll be something i love, not because of what others want me to be but because i choose my own path. My own destiny.

I know something bad happened tonight but i cant figured it out. Her voice, her weak voice make me worry. I asked her what's wrong, why she sounds so sad. But like what i've expected, 'everything's fine'. I really hope that's true, though i know its not. I hate this feeling. Make me stress.

ps : Esok result pspm 1 keluar. I know i'll cry but i wont let people see im crying.

Monday 5 December 2011

still new

Last Friday night was AWESOME! Love you guys so much :)

.2nd December, 2011.
It was the best night ever. IN MY LIFE. Really wish we could do it again :)

ps : Meet Balqis and Wardah :)

saat itu aku setuju hanya dirimu yang satu

.30th July, 2011.

Around 9 pm. Still remember the moment, you were sitting in front of me trying your best to finish up your 'proposal'. Kinda cute you know. I really wish i could see again those cute expressions ;)

Its 4 months already :)

Really happy to know you're still standing here, beside me holding my hand, looking at me thru your sepet eyes, and faithfully being my guardian angel.

I wont promise everything will be perfect, but i promise i'll try my best to make it slightly perfect for us. My love for you is unconditional and it will never end as long as i live.

Setiap panas dan terik, setiap denyutan nadiku, setiap nafasku, aku akan selalu berada disisimu.