Wednesday 13 July 2011


nothing much happened today. woke up at 7 am. rushing rushing mandi semua. then went to classes. boring lah liddis everyday, i want to finish everything as soon as possible and have my life back. guess what, people keep on talking behind me. what theee? -.- go get a life, strangers. STOP making up such a ridiculous stories. where did you guys put your mind hah? aiyoo, apa dapat pun if korang duk mengata aku? -.- apa pun tak dapaaat. so mind your own business okay? sadly, your harsh words doesnt affect me at all :]

DAH, cukup cakap pasal haters. pfffttt -.- buang masa saja

eh, two weeks lagi nak UPS. hm time nak UPS ni lah macam macam jadi. thank god im still alive even shits continuously happened. thank god i still can put a smile in my face even people dont know ive cried too much lately ni. i still can stand on my own even there's nobody around me. like NOBODY. everybody's leaving me. but trust me, everything happened fr a reason :) maybe their 'good bye' will make the next 'hello' closer. who knows? ;) i'll never ever regret what ive been through with people in my past. there must be a reason why they come and go. even i dont really know what's the reason actually is. hope oneday nanti, dapat lah tahu. and hey, its already JULY. then August. someone dah nak fly dah august ni :D *jealous* hey jenglot, i know you're not gonna read my silly blog, but still i wanna give few advices. take a good care of yrself dekat sana nanti. bawak banyak banyak souvenir untuk i. haha tak malu gila. and always remember you have this one crazy friend named hasmida here :)


this week rasa macam nak balik lah. tak tahan duduk sini. there're a lot of people around me but i still feel like im alone. i need to be at home so that i can throw away all this pain and GET READY for my ups -.- duhhh.

p/s : serious shit tak sabar nak cuti raya.

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