Sunday 24 July 2011

harry potter, be mine please? ;)

seharian bersama achudde, dan si gila danial syahmi

harry potter was awesome! i like the last part yang perut ron buncit tu. haha. dani gelak macam gila. but seriously sangat best ;) we were laughing like bloody hell. me and dani keep on making funny faces. HAHA. buat gaya cartoon lari lah, muka lelaki nampak hot chicks lah, kenyit mata nak mengorat lah, banyak lagi actually. and and, kitorang tengok wayang dengan syafiq mutant, udin udang, falah, and his roommates. tetiba tertengok sama sama pulak -.-' main baling baling popcorn lah. dani keep on tonyoh my pipi sebab bising sangat dalam cinema =.=' ada sekali tu dia pergi toilet, then after tu dia lap dekat baju orang .__. NICE sangat la tu. but serious, im having so much fun today :D thanks to you guys, cause im laughing today! and lupa lah nak cari hamster tadi -.- jusco ada pet shop tak? rasa macam takda. nanti nanti lah cari. okay guys, need to sleep ;) ahh, i keep on reading your text. like thousand times. try to figure whether u really mean it or not. i dont know how to give answer to all your questions. but thank you so much cause being with me till now. you're such a great friend. trust me, you'll have your true love oneday nanti. if i am your true love, then i'll be happy to say, 'welcome to my silly life' :)

p/s : love can never be explain. if you don't have reasons why you're really in love with someone, haa that is true love. but is it ever exist?

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