Friday 8 July 2011

big girl, stop cry

Im hoooooome ;'D at last, i feel much much better. yesterday was yesterday. leave it all behind. everything happened for a reason. always give chance to yourself to be happy again. there's always comes rainbow after the heavy rain right? so leave them all behind. stop your tears from falling down. 
ohh by the way,

tadi i went out with dian and tia. thanks korang :'] kita rasa happy sikit hari ni. karaoke sampai tia pengsan dalam tu :D lagu rempit je semua kita nyanyi. HAHA. bengong. they'll be going to moscow this september and leave me alone here. nice kan? :') wish you guys all the best and study elok elok dekat sana. if ada rezeki, kita pun nak sambung dekat sana. insyaallah i'll meet you guys soon. dah jadi students overseas jangan mengada nak lupa kita dekat sini! if free, kita skype okay? ;) 

sumpah kita sayang korang :')

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