Thursday 28 July 2011

omg hass?

I've learned so many things since im away from home. People come and go as they pleased. erghh -.-' but still, i'll never regret anything. cause i believe everything happened for a reason :) This is life and it will never be easy. Sometimes we just wanna give up and try to run from it. But the fact is we have to face it and try our best to handle it. The one who we should always search for is Him. We seldom remember the ONLY one who will never leave us, the one who can always help us. Search for this one moment to give all our soul and heart. Sit down and seek for His help, look back at what we have done before. The door is still open for us to come back to Him. I hope there's one door, one special door still left for me :)


i'll be sitting for UPS next tuesday. tak ready apa lagi actually. especially Chemistry -.-' i need someone's help to teach me on chapter 1. Still cant do it :/ oh by the way, to whom yang read this entry, wish me luck! and to all kmpp students, especially EXPDT-ians, best of luck. we can do it ;) trust me. Just dont forget to use back our previous knowledge time PDT dulu. hope kita semua dapat 4 FLAT. and to someone, we need time to know each other well. I wanna look you through my heart not through my eyes. Let time decide everything okay? :)

*Dear Allah, forgive me for all my wrong doings, im seeking for the light, the light that can light up my life back, that can give back my spirit. Please, please be with me, give me new strength to stand on my own, to be an independent woman who will success in her life. Amin*

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