Saturday 30 July 2011


seriously, muka awak merah gila tadi =.='
menyesal tak rakam. thanks fr the yogurt!

to someone

hey, i'll remember this date forever
30th July, 2011 :)

Friday 29 July 2011

last night

again and again

I dont know how to respond to the feelings you showed to me. Maybe its too early or maybe  we should give a try and give chances to each other. Can we make it? I want something perfect. I really want to feel it again. Just let time decide everything.

p/s : bak kata mia dalam 'sekali lagi' , 'kalau ada jodoh, kita jumpa lagi' :)

Thursday 28 July 2011

omg hass?

I've learned so many things since im away from home. People come and go as they pleased. erghh -.-' but still, i'll never regret anything. cause i believe everything happened for a reason :) This is life and it will never be easy. Sometimes we just wanna give up and try to run from it. But the fact is we have to face it and try our best to handle it. The one who we should always search for is Him. We seldom remember the ONLY one who will never leave us, the one who can always help us. Search for this one moment to give all our soul and heart. Sit down and seek for His help, look back at what we have done before. The door is still open for us to come back to Him. I hope there's one door, one special door still left for me :)


i'll be sitting for UPS next tuesday. tak ready apa lagi actually. especially Chemistry -.-' i need someone's help to teach me on chapter 1. Still cant do it :/ oh by the way, to whom yang read this entry, wish me luck! and to all kmpp students, especially EXPDT-ians, best of luck. we can do it ;) trust me. Just dont forget to use back our previous knowledge time PDT dulu. hope kita semua dapat 4 FLAT. and to someone, we need time to know each other well. I wanna look you through my heart not through my eyes. Let time decide everything okay? :)

*Dear Allah, forgive me for all my wrong doings, im seeking for the light, the light that can light up my life back, that can give back my spirit. Please, please be with me, give me new strength to stand on my own, to be an independent woman who will success in her life. Amin*

if you're still stalking me,

Like seriously, you look so pathetic and desperate =.='

Sunday 24 July 2011

hey, listen to this song please?

yes, semua nya cun saja ;)

harry potter, be mine please? ;)

seharian bersama achudde, dan si gila danial syahmi

harry potter was awesome! i like the last part yang perut ron buncit tu. haha. dani gelak macam gila. but seriously sangat best ;) we were laughing like bloody hell. me and dani keep on making funny faces. HAHA. buat gaya cartoon lari lah, muka lelaki nampak hot chicks lah, kenyit mata nak mengorat lah, banyak lagi actually. and and, kitorang tengok wayang dengan syafiq mutant, udin udang, falah, and his roommates. tetiba tertengok sama sama pulak -.-' main baling baling popcorn lah. dani keep on tonyoh my pipi sebab bising sangat dalam cinema =.=' ada sekali tu dia pergi toilet, then after tu dia lap dekat baju orang .__. NICE sangat la tu. but serious, im having so much fun today :D thanks to you guys, cause im laughing today! and lupa lah nak cari hamster tadi -.- jusco ada pet shop tak? rasa macam takda. nanti nanti lah cari. okay guys, need to sleep ;) ahh, i keep on reading your text. like thousand times. try to figure whether u really mean it or not. i dont know how to give answer to all your questions. but thank you so much cause being with me till now. you're such a great friend. trust me, you'll have your true love oneday nanti. if i am your true love, then i'll be happy to say, 'welcome to my silly life' :)

p/s : love can never be explain. if you don't have reasons why you're really in love with someone, haa that is true love. but is it ever exist?

hey you

dearsomeone, could you please wait till im ready to be in a relationship back? could you? im afraid i'll cry again, im afraid i'll get hurt again, and im tired with all those stupid promises, dreams that can never be true. happy ending that dont even exist AT ALL. im sorry. for now, i'd rather be alone without a person called 'boyfiee'

Thursday 21 July 2011

gettng better :)

good news! im getting better day by day ;) thanks friends.

Wednesday 20 July 2011


someone says, 'u tak bodoh la hass. a girl like you is rare. A girl capable of loving a guy this much.' so you guys out there, LISTEN, a girl like me is rare ;) okay tu je, baiii!

Tuesday 19 July 2011


sampai sini sahaja

who do you think you are? running round leaving scars.
collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart.
you're gonna catch a cold. from the ice inside your soul.
So don't come back for me. Don't come back at all

p/s : this is for all the hearts that have been broken because of you, and all the eyes that have been crying a lot because of you. and i am one of them :]

Sunday 17 July 2011

im away

have tons of things to do. so, im away till ramadhan

p/s : 1st august ni ups :O so wish me luck. pray fr my success. thanks ;)

Wednesday 13 July 2011


nothing much happened today. woke up at 7 am. rushing rushing mandi semua. then went to classes. boring lah liddis everyday, i want to finish everything as soon as possible and have my life back. guess what, people keep on talking behind me. what theee? -.- go get a life, strangers. STOP making up such a ridiculous stories. where did you guys put your mind hah? aiyoo, apa dapat pun if korang duk mengata aku? -.- apa pun tak dapaaat. so mind your own business okay? sadly, your harsh words doesnt affect me at all :]

DAH, cukup cakap pasal haters. pfffttt -.- buang masa saja

eh, two weeks lagi nak UPS. hm time nak UPS ni lah macam macam jadi. thank god im still alive even shits continuously happened. thank god i still can put a smile in my face even people dont know ive cried too much lately ni. i still can stand on my own even there's nobody around me. like NOBODY. everybody's leaving me. but trust me, everything happened fr a reason :) maybe their 'good bye' will make the next 'hello' closer. who knows? ;) i'll never ever regret what ive been through with people in my past. there must be a reason why they come and go. even i dont really know what's the reason actually is. hope oneday nanti, dapat lah tahu. and hey, its already JULY. then August. someone dah nak fly dah august ni :D *jealous* hey jenglot, i know you're not gonna read my silly blog, but still i wanna give few advices. take a good care of yrself dekat sana nanti. bawak banyak banyak souvenir untuk i. haha tak malu gila. and always remember you have this one crazy friend named hasmida here :)


this week rasa macam nak balik lah. tak tahan duduk sini. there're a lot of people around me but i still feel like im alone. i need to be at home so that i can throw away all this pain and GET READY for my ups -.- duhhh.

p/s : serious shit tak sabar nak cuti raya.

Saturday 9 July 2011


p/s : yeah this song really describing my day, today -__-" but i comb my hair okay?

Friday 8 July 2011

big girl, stop cry

Im hoooooome ;'D at last, i feel much much better. yesterday was yesterday. leave it all behind. everything happened for a reason. always give chance to yourself to be happy again. there's always comes rainbow after the heavy rain right? so leave them all behind. stop your tears from falling down. 
ohh by the way,

tadi i went out with dian and tia. thanks korang :'] kita rasa happy sikit hari ni. karaoke sampai tia pengsan dalam tu :D lagu rempit je semua kita nyanyi. HAHA. bengong. they'll be going to moscow this september and leave me alone here. nice kan? :') wish you guys all the best and study elok elok dekat sana. if ada rezeki, kita pun nak sambung dekat sana. insyaallah i'll meet you guys soon. dah jadi students overseas jangan mengada nak lupa kita dekat sini! if free, kita skype okay? ;) 

sumpah kita sayang korang :')