Wednesday 19 September 2012

When storm's coming

I'll talk to you. Say I'm sorry...

Say I want to support you. Say I wanna be by your side. No matter what it takes...

Say I'll stand with you when you take on the world...

Say when it comes to you, going to the moon is as easy as breathing...

Show you what I can do. Show you the true power of love...


Love is not all about the rainbows and kisses

Its also about the storm and disaster each other brings

But all it takes is for the other to be the umbrella

And I know, if I give up now, I'll never find true love


Thanks for sending me this one special guy who can accept my flaws, mistakes, attitude, and accept me the way I am. To be honest,


Thursday 13 September 2012

a beautiful year with you

Still remember the moment when i was staring at you for the first time. Can't really forget your eyes. They caught mine without me realizing it. Now i couldn't ever imagine my life without seeing those eyes.

Now you're mine for one year. Happy first year anniversary sayang. I hope it is not too late for me to post. What a beautiful year we have spent together. I feel safe here. I feel safe in all our insecurity. I’m wrapped inside them. I hope that’s okay. All our fears and complications, they like each other. They fit perfectly into each other’s molds. And it feels lovely to have something slip into place without having to think. Let’s close our eyes together. See what we want to see.

Hey You, I am really afraid. These indescribably perfect events, they don’t happen to me. I’m scared my insecurities won’t let you in. I am scared they will scare you. Beyond everything, above everything, I am terrified you might run away. Please don’t run away without me. Because you’re indescribably perfect. In every sense of the word.I’m going to hold on tight.

You and I. Yours and mine. Can we stay here and be insecure together?

ps: Please.. Hug me tightly like there's not tomorrow for us.

My bad but..

Maaf buat kau terjebak. Tak sangka pulak kena yang itu. Niatku pada asalnya cuma nak lihat kau berjaya. Buat pilihan yang tepat. Namun, bila ini jadinya aku rasa bersalah. Mungkin kerana paksaan ku buat kau memilih jalan ni. Yang sememangnya bukan jiwamu. Tapi aku yakin, semuanya telah disusun dengan rapi. Semua yang terjadi atas kehendakNya. Setiap yang Dia tentukan pasti ada hikmahnya. Kita hanya mampu lalui jalan ni dengan usaha dan tekad. Janji aku, akan sentiasa berada disisimu. Beri sokongan tak kira waktu, menjadi tulang belakangmu setiap saat, mendukung segala cita cita dan semangatmu. Tidak sekali aku akan berpaling walau seribu kali aku utarakan. Mari hulur jari jemari kau, agar aku dapat sambut tika kau suka tika kau duka. Percaya lah, kita pasti berjaya menggenggam segulung ijazah.

ps: Cinta kamu sampai nafas terakhirku.