Thursday 9 June 2011

piece of my daily routine

This week is my second week as one of the pst student here. imma tell you guys how pack the schedule and how i have to rushing to the tutorial classes, lecture hall -__-" different compared to last year. i miss pdt's year, chillin with you guys, laugh too much, never stop gossiping, conteng conteng dinding.

mesti akan ada 'your name' was here :D kan? kan?

i miss those moments. the best moments in my life. and this year no more chillin around, no more lepak kosong, no more gossips *sikit sikit takpe* and just focus on your study. on monday and tuesday, class end up at 4 pm. and on wednesday and friday end up at 5 pm. boleh mati woo setahun ini macam x| gap between classes pun one hour je. and sometimes, lecturer lepas lewat so tak sampai one hour pun rehat. nak lunch pun tak sempat. i just grab nuggets or keropok lekor je. then go to the library finish up my tutorials. so i can do some revisions at night.

eh nak tau tak, there's a few students, last year pst students who repeat their pst. i heard one of them got 3 point something last year but still repeat, he really want to take medic course. and get scholarship. but for me, its like wasting another one year studying here. he can apply UKM or UM or even UITM. hm i dont get it ;/ but this is just my opinion. its up to you cause you are the one who has to decide what you really want in your life, what you wanna be in 5 years from now. its all on your hand :) decide wisely so that there'll be no regret in your future. stick in one course. and set one goal to achieve. insyaallah you'll success.

p/s : lately ni penat sangat. selalu tido petang sampai maghrib. hope tak jadi gila la nanti =.=" haha

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