Thursday 2 June 2011


there are two people i hate the most. they're here. studying at the same place, KMPP. everyday i have to see these two faces. everywhere i go, i'll found them. like they're spying me. so scared T__T ive tried my best to ignore them but failed =.=' i hate people who loves themselves too much. praise themselves. like "why ah im so handsome today" "you already know that im super cool and everbody keep on looking at me" thefuckk pun? jangan nak perasan la budak. kau tu tak handsome mana pun. dah la ****** macam **** ***** HAHA. and please stop critics on me, what i wear, what i look like that day, or whatever la about me. i dont need your stupid opinion. i just love myself the way i am. you also love me the way i am kan, baby? =) so, korang suka ke tak suka ke, kesah pulak aku kan? I HOPE STARTING FROM TOMORROW AND AFTERWARDS, i'll rarely see your faces. and your 'gayfriend' face also.

p/s : tak tau kenapa sebal sangat hari ni
p/s/s : ive read few posts from adindaevans blog. maybe something happened in her past, we dont know kan? so stop jaga tepi kain orang okay?

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