Saturday 16 April 2011

nak tau tak?

Last week, 6th April, for the first time in my life, i experienced shooting for a drama. what drama? sorry i cant tell you. segan -.- me, kathy and my adik went to hulu selangor. memang hulu sangat, cause line pun takda langsung. at first i thought shooting films or dramas are easy and not that hard but for what ive been through for one whole week, serious shit it is not that easy. too much "CUT!" and repeating the same dialogues hundred times. and you know lah kan, malaysia's whether ni macam mana. i was sweating like hell yah! we have about 7 scenes but we managed to do just 4 of them because i cant stand it anymore. waiting like stupid people, and their schedule was like -__- berterabur. and i know we are extra but doesnt mean you can easily playing and ejek us. wathehell man? but i'll take it as a lesson. being an actress is not my thang. i hate people like suruh me do that do this. and critics me. i just hate it. i dont know why. maybe i got it from my daddy. HAHAHA! you know what, at last i gave up and i talked to the production's manager, "i want my payment now! and i wanna go back home" then they said okay and we got our payments. and say BAI BAI. i dont really like this bidang lah but at least ive experienced it once :) i dont know whether in the future i would like to try it again or not. we'll see. ive met dynass and maya karin! they are gorgeous. like seriously T__T no wonder la they can be so famous, im soooo damn jealous with them. they're like angels from heaven and tersesat masuk bumi. BAHAHA! okay i talk nonsense now. okay thats all for now. thanks for reading this. kbye. XOXO

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