Sunday 3 April 2011

How to make a girl fall for you?

  • Listen to what she has to say
  • Remember what she says.
  • Paying attention even when she isn’t around. Example? "I remember you telling me you love that song by So-and-so. It was playing the other day and it made me think of you."
  • Let her know she comes into your mind even when she isn’t around. 
  • Compliment her.
  • Make her smile.
  • Give her enough space to maintain her desired Independence.
  • Be there when she needs you. Even if it seems silly to you. Problems affect different people differently, so try to understand.
  • Don’t let her get away with disrespecting you. This may come as a surprise, but in every relationship, there will times where boundaries are tested. She won’t fall for someone who let’s themselves be walked all over. Let her know that you will always respect her, and you expect the same in return.
  • Trust her. Jealousy is only attractive to those immature enough to find it flattering. In reality, jealous can be a very ugly thing when it goes to great extents. Trust her. If you don’t and can’t trust her, then you don’t belong in a relationship with this person.
  • Be worthy of her trust, and expect her to trust you as well. This is one of the keys to make or break a relationship.
  • Surprise her. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Maybe just showing up at her house or work to say hello, if she likes that sort of thing. Maybe the next time she comes over you have her favorite dessert waiting, or anything you know she likes.
  • Make her feel welcome in your home. It can be awkward in the beginning of a relationship getting comfortable in a new place. Assure her and do small things to make sure she feels at ease. Later on, don’t make a huge fuss about letting her leave a few things at your place. If you want her to stay over, then it’s nice for her to have some toiletries or extra garments around, so she can feel fresh and prepared.
  • Do something out of your comfort zone, especially for her. If you never cook, cook her something. If you can’t dance, but she loves dancing, take a class together. Try something she loves, even if it is unusual for you. Who knows? You might even end up loving it.
  • Be happy. Sometimes all it takes to brighten someone else’s day is to have a good one yourself. Happiness is infectious. Be a fun loving person, and she’ll want to be around you.
  • Give her something to look forward to. Let her know that on Wednesday or Monday or Friday or the 24th, you have something planned. It may not be your anniversary, it may not be Valentine’s day - it’s just any old day. But something is going to happen on it, she doesn’t know what, and that makes it special alone. She’ll look forward to it all day, all week, or all month - however long you think is long enough and short enough to make her feel excited.
  • Make things special without spending any money. Flowers, chocolates, wine, dinners on the town are all great, but it’s also important that even when the weather is dull and you don’t want to leave the house, or you’re saving your funds for something else, that fun won’t be forfeited. Light some candles and give each other massages. Watch a great movie that you both love, and prepare some special treats for the evening. Cozy up with some tea, coffee, hot chocolate in a big arm chair and just talk.
  • Laugh off the small mistakes. Don’t make a big ordeal out of every minor, little thing she might do wrong. Be easygoing.
  • Dress up for her. Maybe you’re a casual type of guy, but once in awhile, throw on that tuxedo t-shirt and let her know you want to look nice for her. I’m sure you love it when she dresses up for you.
  • Be active together. Whether you run, walk, swim, hike, ice skate, hit the gym, snowboard, ski, toboggan - get the blood pumping and have fun getting active together.
  • Send her a random e-mail. Or an IM. Or a text. Even if you live together and see each other everyday, it’s nice to get those sweet little notes.
  • Misbehave together once in awhile. Stay up really late. Eat that chocolate cake. Indulge in something you probably shouldn’t, but do it together.
  • Go traditional, and get her flowers. Or a flower. For no reason.
  • Tell your friends that she’s great. It’s not like you have to ramble on for hours, but it goes a long way if, upon meeting her, your friends can genuinely say ‘I’m so glad to finally meet you, my buddy has told me so many good things about you." She will be beaming.
  • Wrestle. Play. Tickle her. Have some childish fun.
  • If you’ve been together for awhile, kiss her like it’s the first time all over again.
  • Take care in the details. Know what’s important to her - birthdays, anniversaries - and take care of those things. 

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