Sunday 20 November 2011

she's back


I miss blogging ;) I didnt update any entry for last two weeks. Quite busy maybe. Or should I blame my brodband? =.=' I was busy working last week. Earned some money :p hehe. Then went shopping around KL with my sister. Make new friends while working. My holiday was not that bad, at least i got something to do rather than just staying at home doing nothing. 

I can possibly die staying at home tak buat apa.

Last week on wednesday i went to jengka, hasmira start her new life there :) she'll be very busy for this one whole week. I hate orientation =,=' ugh. Me wish you all the best sis. Though sometimes you're quite annoying, err -.- noo, you're fuuuuu*ing annoying, but i love you :) Study well there and show to the whole world that you can be somebody in the future. Make us proud. I'll pray for you. Always.

Ohhh, I got back here last thursday. He met my mom :) Speechless much sayang? ;) My mom like you. She said 'Suruh dia belajar elok elok. Nanti dah sedia masuk meminang' i was likeee =,= meminang?


Watched movies on friday and today :D
Aku Bukan Tomboy was awesomeeeee :D haha. serious best waa tak tipu luuu. Scha sangat comel rambut pendek ;) teringat time high school dulu rambut pendek. hehe. Tapi tak comel macam Scha =( Happy feet was also not that bad. Those little baby penguins were so cute. Rasa macam nak gigit pun ada. With their cute voices. Awh ;')

Sangat penat berjalan hari ni. Kaki pun sudah melecet. I need to rest. Chow.

pss : And you know what, i feel so lucky having you in my life :)

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