Tuesday 29 November 2011

reasons why your boyf left you

Guys are all the same? I bet most of girls out there will surely agree with this statement. Emm, yah i admit most of the guys are just same. They wont satisfied with what they have. They feel incomplete. Sometimes they dont know how to appreciate you and at the time they lose you, haaa baru hang menyesal? Dah terlambat laaaaaah.


I still believe they're a few different guys out there, who knows how to appreciate us ;) who'll always be with us in whatever condition. Who'll sacrifice everything for us. Trust me, THEY STILL EXIST.

Padia lari topik ni =.='

Okay now me gonna tell you guys few reasons why your boyf left you. Some might be right, some might be not. This is based on what i've experienced and what i've heard before.
  1. They start to feel bored with relationship. Or in other word, they're tired with commitment. That's why in a relationship we have to keep on doing new things with our partner. It'll be better if we do some crazy things.
  2. They feel like they dont deserve you. Actually i dont really think this kinda situation exist. But still i'll put it as one of the reasons. Maybe he feels that you'll be better without him because of certain reason. But still i dont really agree with it -.-
  3. They fall in love again with someone else. Some said if you already have a girlf and then you accidentally fall in love with someone else, just leave your girlf because if you really love her you'll never look at any other girl.
  4. They dont really love you. Maybe they were planning from the start to try their market or betting with their friends. JAHAT KAN? D: But remember what goes around comes around.

Actually banyak lagi sebab tapi tetibe rasa macam malas pulak nak menaipnya. Later i'll continue okay? :)

Bye yols.

ps : im not feeling well since last night -.-
pss : tomorrow will be our 4months anniversary :))


Wednesday 23 November 2011

bad day

Im worry thinking about what i'll get for my pspm 1. I heard they might send our result straight to hometown. Mama will surely faint after seeing her daughter's result. Im sorry mama.


Whatever happen i have to face it. I wont cry, i wont be sad but maybe i'll feel disappointed with myself. I've tried my best and what will i get are based on what i've studied. So there's no point if i cry like hell. It'll be better i start to wake up now, for this semester. Im planning to change the course that i'll be taking next year. Later i'll tell you guys. For now, all i can do is try as hard as i can. Concentrate. FIVE months left for me here. Please make me strong.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

sorry to say

First of all, i wanna say that this entry wasn't made to hurt anybody's feeling. But based on what i've experienced before. And im not gonna say that im good enough to speak like this. Im just a normal girl who always wish to speak out loud everything that ever crossed in my mind, but i know i cant. Could you imagine what will happen if i can possibly speak everything without thinking?


Oh, lets go back to the main purpose i wrote this entry. I hate people who's always blame others' mistakes like they're GOOD enough to do that. Puh-leaseee? You ain't that perfect. So stop listing other people's mistakes. Think first before you speak. Respect others' feelings. I know maybe there's someone who's pissing you off. But cakap elok elok tak boleh ke? -.- CHILL LAH! tak payah nak menggelabah sangat.


I don't say im a good person, but im trying my best to change. To be a better person. Just i need one more chance to repair everything back. Just one more chance.


Monday 21 November 2011

once in a lifetime

'Nanti bila I dah ada kerja, rumah, dan dah ada kereta, motor jugak, hehehe.
I akan masuk lamar u :|'


I'll be waiting for that moment :) promise.

Sunday 20 November 2011

she's back


I miss blogging ;) I didnt update any entry for last two weeks. Quite busy maybe. Or should I blame my brodband? =.=' I was busy working last week. Earned some money :p hehe. Then went shopping around KL with my sister. Make new friends while working. My holiday was not that bad, at least i got something to do rather than just staying at home doing nothing. 

I can possibly die staying at home tak buat apa.

Last week on wednesday i went to jengka, hasmira start her new life there :) she'll be very busy for this one whole week. I hate orientation =,=' ugh. Me wish you all the best sis. Though sometimes you're quite annoying, err -.- noo, you're fuuuuu*ing annoying, but i love you :) Study well there and show to the whole world that you can be somebody in the future. Make us proud. I'll pray for you. Always.

Ohhh, I got back here last thursday. He met my mom :) Speechless much sayang? ;) My mom like you. She said 'Suruh dia belajar elok elok. Nanti dah sedia masuk meminang' i was likeee =,= meminang?


Watched movies on friday and today :D
Aku Bukan Tomboy was awesomeeeee :D haha. serious best waa tak tipu luuu. Scha sangat comel rambut pendek ;) teringat time high school dulu rambut pendek. hehe. Tapi tak comel macam Scha =( Happy feet was also not that bad. Those little baby penguins were so cute. Rasa macam nak gigit pun ada. With their cute voices. Awh ;')

Sangat penat berjalan hari ni. Kaki pun sudah melecet. I need to rest. Chow.

pss : And you know what, i feel so lucky having you in my life :)

Friday 18 November 2011


Im happy right now. And i love him. So much :)

Tuesday 1 November 2011



ps : planning to buy you baskin robin's cake :)