Friday 30 January 2015

My skincare review

Some of you guys have already known that I used to be one of the Amyera Beauty's seller. Yup I used that skincare two years ago... I guess. To be honest at first I really loved the effect of it to my face. I even bought one set of the product for my whole body. My skin became so fair and flawless. All my freckles were also gone. I was so satisfied w Amyera Beauty. But then as everybody knows, people will never satisfies for such a long time period. On one fine day when I was happily scrolling my instagram, I found this one interesting coffee body scrub. I bought it and I really liked it cause my skin turned out to be so soft and moist. But.... Then I dont why I was so gatal mengenyam pergi try that scrub dekat my face. Konon nak moist lagi lah then before. A week after I aplied that scrub to my face, suddenly I woke up in the morning w sekelompok pimples and they growing day by day until they conquered most of my face esp my forehead. I cant even looked at my own face in the mirror. Mama lagi lah risau tak tentu everyday. After I realized my face is getting worst, I stopped using Amyera Beauty and that evil scrub. My innocent face became oily and sensitive. I tried so many products after that but none of them really worked on my skin. I tried wis putih, belleza, radiglow, body shop's products, kiss mud foam and mask. I even tried traditional's treatment like put white part of the egg at the pimples, letak air kayu manis yang kita gosok dekat batu lesung, put soda bicarbonate, aaaa macam macam lagi lah. They didnt make my skin worst but they didint worked on getting my skin any better. You know what I mean? Pimples and all the scars were still there. Tak nak blah. Tak guna. I dont somehow I think Amyera Beauty do give long term bad effects to our skin cause some of my customers also faced this same problem as mine.

Then... I almost gave up w my face. I was like, "dah la pegi mampus biar je muka macam ni lantak" Oneday mama suddenly called me and told me she wanna buy this one supplement from Sofea Estetik for me. Aurora SX. At first I was not interested cause I dont really like capsules supplement. Takut rosak buah pinggang later. But mama keep on pujuk and cakap after muka dah okay then I can stop. So i agreed to try it. Guess what? After one week I can already noticed the difference. Though all the scars didnt really gone until now, at least semua jerawat nanah dissapeared! And hopefully never come back 🙏 now I am just focusing on how to delete semua scars yang ada dekat muka ni. My current skincare routine is...

1. St Ives Apricot Scrub (Blemishes Control)
2. Trial set Babiesblink (5 in 1)

So far these are my skincare routin and not to forget my supplement. I am currently waiting for my new supplement, nikko placenta white. Since my skin is not as bad as before, so I decided to change my supplement. Actually I think supplement is so important for me cause if you guys know me since high school you can definitely see the difference. I looked so pale and unhealthy back then. After I consumed supplement, I look much better now 😳 heeee.

Okay I have to go now! See you guys later! xoxo 💋

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