Wednesday 8 May 2013

Writing a letter for you

Dear Haziq,

It's been a while since i update something about you here. So, now im going to write something. Something special that could probably touch your fragile heart :)

Okay, i know these few days or should i say few weeks? If you realize, everything's getting tougher between us. Sometimes i do feel like something is wrong with us. And sometimes i feel like giving up. It is normal because this is love. Where we can get hurt easily just because we still care. I wont give up sayang. I swear to God i wont stop chasing you i wont stop loving you i wont stop bugging you i wont easily stop. Cause you are the one for me. You are the most complicated man i've ever known and yes, i am willingly to deal with it for the rest of my life. Just stay forever please?


Jika malam ini kau keluar melihat jendela
Jengukkan lah bintang kita yang satu itu
Apa? Takut kita melihat bintang yang berbeza?
Tidak akan sayang :)
Sebab kau bisa rasa hati aku
Hati kita semacam ada link
Kau tahu bintang mana yang aku maksudkan
Aku percaya kau tahu

Sudah sudah lah ye sayang dengan rajuk kau tu?
Meh sini dekat aku. Biar aku pujuk peluk erat
Agar hatimu lega seleganya seperti selalu
Jangan risau aku masih ada
Insha Allah sampai kita sama sama hembus nafas terakhir
Janji tau!

ps: I suka gambar kaki kita ni :) wiwiwiwiwiwiw~